If you have a concern for a child or young person in your group, report it to your nominated child protection lead. You overhear her telling friends that she is running at the weekends. Examples of Safeguarding in Schools. This should include courses with safeguarding training qualifications, depending on the level needed. Key features of outstanding practice include: What might this look like in practice? She frequently has multiple layers on, or does not want to remove her coat. You can access High Speed Trainings online courses, including Introduction to Safeguarding (Level 1), Advanced Safeguarding (Level 2) and Designated Safeguarding Lead (Level 3). What is Safeguarding in Schools? - CPD Online College Guide to Alternative Milk: Food Safety, Nutritional Benefits & A Good Brew! Here are a few examples of questions that might be sent your way: Q: Why is feeling safe such an important component in a child's learning? Never promise to keep anything a secret. On the 1st of September 2022, the new Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance will come into effect. Starting a new career Your organisation should have a trained nominated child protection lead. She frequently has multiple layers on, or does not want to remove her coat. For example, think about street lighting, car parks and what you can do to make these areas safer. > Learn more about responding to bullying, > See our example anti-bullying policy statement. Contact the NSPCC Helpline for advice or to report concerns. Jason, however competent, is seen as vulnerable due to the combination of his age and the fact that Mr. Thompson is in a position of trust and has a duty of care. If youd like to learn more about the specific legislation and policies that envelop safeguarding children and young people, this blog post covers all that: Legislation and Policies. You should also consider any risks that may arise from the area around the venue. Everyone working with children whether teaching, non-teaching, volunteers and other staff, should have safeguarding training at induction and once every three years at a minimum. For example: Section 17 of the Children Act of 1989 requires local authorities to provide services to children in need in their areas. At least one member of any interview panel must have completed a Safer Recruitment course. Well go through some more specific examples later on. When somebody works or volunteers with children you should follow safer recruitment practices. What is safeguarding in schools legislation? By keeping a close eye on children and young people in your care, you can help with any situations that may come up and make a real difference in the child or young persons life. Children who have experienced abuse or who are living in challenging circumstances need support. You should also not let concerns about cultural sensitivity stand in the way of safeguarding and protecting children and young people. A school or college is not just where children and young people are educated, it is where they develop and eventually become adults, and it should be a safe space where they are able to discuss any problems they may have, without fear of judgement. Lucy arrives to class noticeably upset and distressed. Affiliate login, Food Hygiene If Ben discloses something more sinister, it should be reported ASAP. The member of staff is nude. What is safeguarding training in schools? > View our range of introductory child protection training courses. You ask them to put them away and continue teaching. Department for Education How children and young people are kept safe in schools and colleges - and how we're making them even safer Media Officer, 25 May 2021 - Primary Schools, Secondary. Effective safeguarding relies on clear and easily understandable policies, systems and procedures. Each and every one of us knows that behavioural changes are the key to identifying potentially harmful situations, but how could we possibly notice a behavioural change if we are not familiar with the children in our care? You can also create an online safety agreement, setting out how children and young people in your organisation are expected to behave online. Schools that practice Safeguarding holistically consider everything that could be going on in a childs universenot as individual behaviors. Hes in his last year of school/sixth form. Children and young people who have been involved in sexting will need your help and support. What is Contextual Safeguarding & Why is it Important. Depending on the organisation and who the concern is about, you might need to share your concerns with the nominated child protection lead, a senior manager (such as the head teacher in a school), a trustee or school governor. Your organisation should have clear procedures in place that outline what staff and volunteers should do if they have any concerns about a childs safety and welfare, whether this comes from a child telling you something or noticing the signs of abuse or harm. Behavioural concerns have been raised in the past. In Scotland, you will need a Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check if you are undertaking regulated work. Jason is a 17-year-old pupil from year 13. If youre self-employed in Scotland you can request a PVG check for yourself. A new pupil, Matthew, has joined the school. > Find out more about the role of the nominated child protection lead. At the next rehearsal, he sees that the bruise has healed and the girl asks him not to say anything. Every member of staff within a school has a legal duty of care towards the pupils in the setting. During breaktime, you witness Aisha showing her friends her new mobile phone and telling them how her boyfriend bought it for her as a gift. In the case of counselling, children and young people might ask you not to tell their parents or carers about the things you discuss in your sessions. While it may be that Jenny is simply annoyed at James for leaving the group, her claims must not be dismissed. But do you know what to do when faced with safeguarding issues? 2. You are the teaching assistant in her class. If a young person tells you theyve been involved in sexting its important to be understanding and non-judgmental. Firstly, that the boy is considerably older than Samantha, hence his driving. She says that when she tried to approach James to ask why he had suddenly broken off all contact with the group, he got very annoyed and angry. Because Aisha is under 16, she cannot give consent to a potentially sexual relationship with someone who is significantly older. Make a written record of the concern. This applies to governors, headteachers, Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs), teachers, teaching assistants, dinner staff, and anyone else who spends time with children. Even if they dont disclose anything, take a note of the conversation and share it with your safeguarding lead. But if you become aware that a child or young person is at risk of significant harm you must share this information with the relevant agencies. However, it is against the law for a person above the age of 18 (Mr. Thompson) to have any sexual contact with somebody below the age of 18 (Jason) if the former is in a position of trust. This applies regardless of the size of the room(s) people are using and whether they are paying to use the space. PDF Examples of Safeguarding Risks and Strategies - in Thematic Areas Call us on 0808 800 5000 Well start with a pretty generic one that we will have all likely come across, before we move on to some slightly more complex, unusual safeguarding incidents. He is now being bullied about it by friends and other people who have seen the image. It is important to get appropriate consent when undertaking a one-to-one session. Safeguarding Interview Questions - 12 Teaching Assistant Interview Try to find out a bit more about whats happened, including who sent the image and who has seen it. Parents should be informed of the situation and any reports or referrals made about their child, unless informing them will put the child at risk. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. What do you do? Bandele, F. (2009). So, what should the dinner lady do? Everyone in your organisation who comes into contact with children and young people should take child protection training to make sure they know how to recognise and respond to child protection concerns. No: 923 6593 07 | Registered in the UK: 6428976. Simply put, when a child is in school, the school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse. We can help you build a world class safeguarding organisation wherever you are today and whatever you need now, The very best technology combined with excellent safeguarding practice will help you cut through the complexity of keeping vulnerable children and adults safe, Valuable resources developed by fellow Safeguardians. If they are 16- or 17-years-old, carefully consider whether parental consent is needed. The governing body of a school or college has a duty to ensure that the school or college meets its statutory responsibilities and to ensure that the children and young people attending the school or college are safe. In this situation, the teacher should refer straight away to the safeguarding lead and record the incident in detail, following the schools policy. Even if it transpires that a concern is trivial or inconsequential, taking the time to listen and evaluate it is crucial for keeping the environment safe for them. By discussing the scenarios with your colleagues, you will further improve knowledge. Make sure an appropriate adult, preferably someone with safeguarding responsibility, knows the time and place when you are alone with a child. Age group: 0-18 Yes, this has the potential to develop into a safeguarding issue. At night, the children and adults sleep in tents. For a refresher of the signs and types of abuse that would certainly lead to safeguarding incidents, heres a link to an information booklet published by the NSPCC: NSPCC: Definitions and Signs of Child Abuse. > See example online safety policy statement and agreement. The volunteers have heard that other parents are worried about the child and saying the father often appears to be quite angry. Dandelion Training and Development, providing mental health training and resources for parents and professionals working with children and young people. Well keep this simple and to the point. . Your organisation needs to consider what risks children might be exposed to at your venue and take steps to mitigate those risks. Primary schools can help protect pupils by creating a safe environment through robust safeguarding practices and by ensuring that all staff and volunteers involved with the primary school do not pose a risk to children. You can ensure groups are keeping children safe by: You will also need to set out procedures in case anything goes wrong, for example if a child gets lost and goes to the wrong room, or if someone notices a member of another group behaving inappropriately around children. It might just be a missing puzzle piece; better to be on the safe side in these situations. > Find out more about safeguarding children who come from Black, Asian or minoritised communities. This service offers free, confidential advice and support to anyone concerned about how safeguarding concerns are dealt with. This is where we reach a grey area in some peoples minds. You should check that any groups using your venue have followed safer recruitment procedures. When planning an event or trip there are a number of things to consider to make sure children are kept safe. Knowledge base, The importance of safeguarding children cannot be overstated, Recognising the signs of a safeguarding incident helps us to act quickly and effectively, Context is everything when it comes to safeguarding, A quick reminder about when a child makes a safeguarding disclosure. The following forms, information and templates are designed to help you with your safeguarding functions: Policy Revised Model School Safeguarding Policy - September 2023 Recording concerns. This does include distancing from old friends, being argumentative, and sympathetic to extremist ideologies. As Freddie is 17 years, and a student of the teacher with whom he is romantically involved, he is considered as a vulnerable individual who has been taken advantage of. Health and Safety OFSTED takes the definition from statutory guidance. For example, if you noticed signs that a child is being maltreated, or if you noticed they werent being cared for. It appears that the potential abuser is grooming Aisha through the excessive gifts and attention that she is being given. Schools have a duty to create safe environments for children and young people by employing the three key elements listed above in the form of robust practices. Safeguarding as a practice is not done in isolationit requires trust and a willingness to communicate. 5. In fact they'll look to see if safeguarding is effectively managed before they visit school. A local builder has offered to carry out maintenance checks and small repairs to a community centre on a voluntary basis. Engaging with parents, staff, community agencies and the community to reduce the risk of student concerns. It will clarify what action you are responsible for taking when it comes to child welfare concerns. What do you do? The Imam is pleased that the helper is getting young people more engaged but he has heard some of the children talk about her Facebook page and saying that she has messaged them privately and commented on their posts. They will also explain why certain incidents could be safeguarding issues. This has the potential to be a safeguarding issue. Knowledge base. Even when incidents happen outside of your organisation, you have a responsibility to take action to protect the children and young people involved. Aisha and her friends then all get into the car and the boyfriend drives off. Safeguarding in schools | NSPCC Learning As well as understanding how you must deal with concerns, you need to know what actually constitutes a safeguarding issue. What is meant by safeguarding in schools? She enjoys yoga, books and scary films. You have your suspicions that Beths drastic change in personality may be a result of physical abuse occurring. You should take steps to get an explicit image or video removed if its been posted online. He is shouting in another language and they arent sure what is being said. > Find out more about protecting children from online abuse, > See our example online safety policy and agreement. Protecting children from abuse in schools | NSPCC Learning Safer recruitment is a set of practices to help make sure everybody working with children is suitable to do so. At lunch time she walks loops of the playground or sits with friends but does not appear to be eating lunch. The scope of safeguarding is wide, as children are susceptible to more risks than ever before.
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