There he attracted Abd al-Malik's attention by the rapidity and efficiency with which he restored discipline during a mutiny of the troops destined to accompany the Caliph in his campaign against Mus'ab ibn al-Zubayr in Iraq. Only his family, his fellow Bahili tribesmen and his bodyguard, the Archers, remained faithful. idwiki Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf; itwiki Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf; kywiki . The Chach Nama reports that upon hearing of the matter, al-Hajjaj wrote a letter to the Raja, and upon unsuccessful resolution being reached, launched a military attack. The Sogdians were at the time divided by civil war in which Bukhara had been seized by the ruler of nearby Wardana, the Wardan Khudah, while another local magnate, Khunuk Khudah, had declared himself king of Bukhara (Bukhar Khudah). Appointed by the caliph 'Abd al-Malik as governor of both Kufa and Basra in 694 (AH 75). 0 references. This article about an Asian mathematician is a stub. He then burst into tears and this scene moved in the whole assembly to tears. Qutayba was completely unaware of the situation however, and began preparations for the campaign of 715, during which he intended to finally capture the Ferghana Valley and complete the subjugation of the Jaxartes valley. The pillars of the countries of Hind and Sind are Alor and Multan. Sulayman furthermore had championed the cause of Yazid ibn al-Muhallab, whom al-Hajjaj had imprisoned. "O Allah! As a result, the Caliph entrusted him with command of the army's rear-guard. There Ibn al-Ash'ath sought refuge with the Zunbil, but was either assassinated by the latter or committed suicide to avoid being surrendered to al-Hajjaj. The Holy Kaaba: A Brief History - The Dawoodi Bohras 0 references. Nama asli al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf adalah Kulaib. Al-Hajjaj: Machiavellian or Villain? - It appears that the chief inhabitants of Brahmanabad had petitioned to be allowed to repair the temple of Budh and pursue their religion. Al-Hajjaj was, in the words of A. Dietrich, "the most loyal servant that a dynasty could wish for", and his loyalty was reciprocated by Abd al-Malik with his full trust. He first became publicly active . The two sons of al-Muhallab, an Azdi former governor of Khorasan and a military commander under al-Hajjaj, took refuge in Palestine with two Azdi retainers of the governor there, finding themselves now hounded angrily by al-Hajjaj against a background of inter-tribal rivalry and accused by him of embezzlement. Kufa surrendered after that, and al-Hajjaj further undercut Ibn al-Ash'ath's support by promising amnesty to those who surrendered, providing however that they acknowledged that their rebellion had been tantamount to renouncing Islam; those who refused were executed. Who Was Hajjaj Bin Yusuf? Hajjaj Bin Yousaf Urdu By Almas MA Pdf Download [1] His father, Muslim ibn Amr, had enjoyed the favour of the Umayyads, but fought for their enemy Mus'ab ibn al-Zubayr at the Battle of Maskin during the close of the Second Muslim Civil War. The Hajj pilgrims were gathered around lbn 'Umar, for in the hearts of the people, he has a high rank. In addition, the post was of particular political sensitivity due to the long history of Kharijism and political dissent in Iraq, particularly in Kufa. [62][63], Qutayba's role in the conquest and gradual Islamization of Central Asia was crucial, and in later times, a number of locations in Ferghana where his tomb was supposedly located (Narshakhi and Jamal Qarsh) were venerated by pilgrims. Qutayba led his forces against him, besieged his citadel and took it. As Qutayba prepared to march against Samarkand during the winter of 711/712, he received envoys from the king of Khwarizm (the Khwarizmshah). [51][52], His campaign against Ferghana was under way when news reached the army of Caliph Walid's death and the accession of his brother Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik to the throne. Ibunya pula bernama Al-Fari'ah bin Yusuf binti Hammam bin Urwah bin Mas'ud Ath-Tsaqafi. Under al-Hajjaj's patronage, he took Rayy from the rebel Umar ibn Abi'l-Salt in 701, and became the city's . Although Sulayman re-confirmed him in his position as governor, Qutayba feared that he would soon be removed. He made a second, improved, more concise translation for the . on the Internet. His early life is obscure, except for his having been a schoolmaster in his home townanother source of derision to his enemies. country. There are no reviews yet. His successors did not command his prestige among the local population and were unable to maintain his conquests in the face of local revolts and invasion by the Turgesh khaganate, and most of Transoxiana was abandoned or became hotly contested territory in the years after his death. [b][41][42] In the year of martyrdom, he was in Makkah during the days of Hajj and 'Abdul-Malik bin Marwan was the Umayyid Caliph at the time and he had sent Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf Ath-Thaqafi to lead the Hajj. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Al-ajjj died at Wasit, in Iraq, in 714. The tyranny of Hajjaj has become very famous in history. He was born in the village, Banu Sakhr. He (Hajjaj) sent (his messenger) to Asma' (bint Abu Bakr, 'Abdullah's mother). His mother, al-Fari'a, had married, and been divorced by, al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba, appointed governor of Kufa by the first Umayyad caliph, Mu'awiya (r.661680). The explosion came in 699: when he had been conferred the governorships of Khurasan and Sistan, al-Hajjaj had given it to al-Muhallab, but in Sistan, the situation was far more unstable, and the country had to be essentially reconquered. After leaving Khwarizm, Qutayba initially turned towards Merv, for his army had grown weary and demanded an end to the campaign. Demise of Hajjaj bin Yusuf - Inter-Islam [44][47] At any rate, over the next two years Qutayba engaged in an effort to push the Caliphate's borders further and gain control of the Jaxartes valley. He administered the eastern "super province" of the caliphate which included Iraq, Khurasan, and Sijistan from 694 to 714. Already in 695, al-Hajjaj began minting the new gold and silver coins, which superseded the Byzantine and Sasanian coins still used until then. . Alsiraj Website - Life of the Companions of Prophet Muhammad, peace and Al-Hajjaj abandoned Basra to the rebels, and Ibn al-Ash'ath entered the city in triumph. Dear Viewers,Al-ajjj was a schoolteacher in his native town as a young man, but little else is known of his earlier years. A large force, supported by some 20,000 Transoxianian levies, marched into the valley in early 713. Assalamu-`alaykum wa rahamtullahi wa barakatuhu: 1.Introduction. The news of this arrived at the time where the Arab siege weapons had effected a breach in the city walls, forcing Ghurak to sue for peace. Qutayba then marched west over the Iron Gate, taking Kish and Nasaf and visiting Bukhara, where he settled relations between the Arabs and the locals, installed the young Sogdian prince Tughshada in the position of Bukhar Khudah and established an Arab military colony in the city. This involved combining the governorships of Kufa and Basra, which had not been done since the days of Ziyad ibn Abi Sufyan twenty years earlier. [4] Qutayba rose at first as the protege of Anbasa ibn Sa'id, but was noticed by the powerful governor of Iraq and the East, al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, during the suppression of the revolt of Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn al-Ash'ath in 700/701. Hajjaj bin Yusuf Death Painful Story - YouTube May you be victorious under the decree of the Almighty God, so that you may subdue the country of Hind to the boundary of China. Al-ajjj ibn Ysuf ibn Maar (786833 CE) was a mathematician and translator. The relationship between al-Hajjj ibn Ysuf and Muhammad ibn Qasm has always been one of great debate. The remnants of the rebel army fled to Basra, but were soon evicted and pursued by the Syrians to Khuzistan and Sistan. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. After taking over Ta'if unopposed, he halted there as Abd al-Malik had charged him to try to secure Ibn al-Zubayr's capitulation by diplomatic means if possible, and to avoid shedding of blood in Mecca. The ruler wields a sword, and the devil wields influence. In 702 al-Hajjaj founded the city of Wasit, situated midway between Basra and Kufa, where he moved his seat. Tokharistan was more firmly incorporated into the Caliphate, as Arab district representatives were appointed alongside the local princes, who were gradually relegated to secondary positions. Unsure of his position now that his patron was gone, he disbanded the army and returned to Merv. [38] The Khwarizmshah, whose name is given as Jigan or Chigan by Bal'ami, faced a rebellion by his younger brother Khurrazadh and a powerful rival, the king of Khamjird, and asked Qutayba for help, offering recognition of the Caliphate's suzerainty, money, livestock and the payment of tribute in exchange. Al-Hajjaj's version also probably included new vowel diacritics, and purged the text of any references hostile to the Umayyads. The Chach Nama is the oldest chronicle of the Arab conquest of Sindh. 661 in the city of Ta'if in the Hijaz, in modern-day Saudi Arabia. His brother Abd al-Rahman defeated and killed Khamjird's troops in battle and took 4,000 prisoners, who were then executed. This is the biography of Al Hajjaj Bin Youssef AL Thaqafi, the distinguished character whom a lot controversy was raised around him during one of history's most turbulent eras. Early life and career As a boy, al-Hajjaj acquired the nickname Kulayb ('little dog'), with which he was later derisively referred to. As Hajjaj bin Yusuf was passing away, he raised his tearful eyes to heaven, pleading: O Allah! The situation he found there was one of disorder. quoted in Balakrishna, S. Invaders and infidels: From Sindh to Delhi: the 500- year journey of Islamic invasions. He put prominent scholars like Abdullah bin Umar and Abdullah bin Zubair (Allah be pleased with them) to death. Satisfied with this easy success, and unwilling to hazard a campaign in the mountains of Zabulistan, Qutayba departed. [31] Thus Qutayba led a large army south, but the Zunbil readily offered his submission and the payment of tribute. He first became publicly active . Who was Hajjaj Bin Yusuf? Complete Life Story and Tragic Death of Arab accounts mention the participation of Turgesh troops as well, but this is probably an anachronism. The Khurasani Arabs refused to support him, and the native auxiliaries, although favourably disposed towards him, were prevented from declaring their support by Hayyan al-Nabati. [56][57][58] Only after 738, under Nasr ibn Sayyar, were the Umayyads able to restore the Caliphate's control over most of Transoxiana, and only with the decisive victory of the new Abbasid Caliphate against the Chinese armies at the Battle of Talas in 751 did the local princes accept Muslim control as final.
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