I thought my girlfriend was Lyran from what I heard but it matches me more closely. Lyran starseeds are very solution-oriented and are good at getting things done, as you absorb information very quickly, like a sponge. The lyran starseed is sensitive and empathic toward others. But here are some general ideas as a start point: To find your Lyran Starseed mission, you must follow your heart and notice when your vibrations are at their highest frequencies. But did you know there are different types of starseeds depending on origins? Ultimately, you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. I relate to all of the characteristics you noted in your article. I remembered the syncronystic lion dream from my youth, and marveled as each Lyran characteristic you unveiled resonated like a perfect fifth inside me. Until my awakening I struggled with many emotions I knew not their source. Are You a Lyran Starseed? 12 Signs Your Soul Belongs to The Galaxy'S Coz that will make me 100% Lyron. The Lyrans only bred with them creating a hybrid bloodline among their race. Driven by their strong curiosity, Lyrans are always on the lookout for new experiences. I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. I evennabed my new kittens Gaia and Lyra, not even connecting my Lyran self. Unlike other races that feel they are just here to help, true Lyrans do not feel the belong elsewhere, or have a sense of missing our home.. Although it's very unlikely that the first Lyrans still exist. You have a healthy skepticism of things you dont know or understand, and an unwavering desire to learn more. You just need to remain conscious of this tendency so you can become aware when youre starting to inadvertently slip out of peoples lives. Thank you for giving me some more insight! Click here to try it out and zero in on exactly what purpose you have in this lifetime. Hello! Im also trying to figure out my own origin too although I have a feeling Im a lyran. Due to their individuality and self-confidence, they may present their appearance in a unique way and are unlikely to follow trends. Lyran Starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. This includes validation, protection, and even affection. There is usually a good reason why you were provoked. A Lyran Starseed loves having a great time and celebrates their body. Its already difficult for a regular human to figure out their purpose, let alone of the most advanced and evolved ancient spiritual races! You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself. Any kind of change always has to start from within the self. Like I said earlier, the gifted spiritual advisor there really helped me see things in a whole new way. People open up to you easily and show you that they want you in their lives. The only thing that has been happening is a lot of Mystic ability letting me know along with my numerology chart! Degrees of 0 in any sign show the Starseeds Feline, Lyran, Anubis, or Annunaki. Many Lyran starseeds have a strong interest in music, poetry, and other forms of self-expression. Starseeds often distinguish themselves by having particular interests and talents. This is all very fascinating , Lyran starseed resignates with me I see lions in the clouds during sound therapy in my dreams and a connection w cats lol. . Especially my bossees: they seem to like my work that benefits them, and of course, they like when I encourage them but they do not give the same in return. So it will be. I have found peace with being alone. They have helped me out with countless issues along my starseed journey. And not even rejection, setbacks, or criticism can stop you. Most importantly, what is your Lyran Starseed mission? This can make Lyran Starseeds come off as older than they truly are. All of the characteristics describe me perfectly. But now I understandbetter my difficukties with people and can go on happier. Id love to hear your thoughts in the comments! You can do the same too just speak to an advisor wholl give you the answers youre looking for. Am I truly Lyran? Lyrans played a unique role in creating humanity, offering the element of fire to Earth and seeding the first souls to Atlantis. The TV had turned off too. I would like to say that I loved this text! Lyran starseeds originate from Lyra, a small constellation sometimes visible in the night sky. She should take a Pledeijan to serve her. This will give them access to great spiritual abilities to help them achieve their starseed mission. I stayed on the screen for about 45 seconds looking at me. The Lyrans are primarily a feline-humanoid race. The sacral chakra is right above, just below the navel. Of course, you still use sound judgment but youre open to new ideas and dont limit your thinking with preconceptions. I hope everything is ok with you! This doesnt mean you look for attention quite the opposite in fact. Looking at your chakras can be another indication that youre a Lyran Starseed. Lets have a look at them in more detail. You love connecting with others, and youre willing to give many people a chance. You do your best in everything that you do, and you trust the universe to have your back and assist the evolution of your soul. In fact, youre always on the lookout for new things to try. This goes for all areas of your life, from career to relationships and personal hobbies. I came across your article searching for more information on Lyrans. Thank you so much!!! Through their many incarnations, often as different starseeds, they have adjusted to being in different galaxies and dimensions. Feline features are often prominent in Starseeds originating from Lyra, with noses and eyes looking particularly cat-like. You might find yourself straying from your path, trying out different things, and making some costly mistakes before you stumble on the truth. While there is nothing wrong with experimenting, be attentive to the vibrations and energies you feel with different people and activities. Once Lyran starseeds know wake up to their mission, they pursue it fearlessly, and nothing can come in their way. I have a very strong connection to them. Ive managed to( brainwash so my daughter says) my grandchildren to be cat people too. That being said, I have discovered that I have incarnated from every single one the planets you list! Someday I want to do a past regression aswell as a deep meditation to connect with my lyran family. I am not really sure who I am, but my son is definitely a Lyran. They have a very long history with the earth. I mentioned them earlier. They might conserve some remnants of their original form, but at the end of the day, the body theyll inhabit on Earth is a human one. You might find yourself getting bored of things easily and feel anxious to move on to the next new thing then the next. For a Lyran Starseed, the number will usually be quite high. I am a retired International Flight Attendant and recently a retired Registered Nurse, so I feel Ive done my duty, but I know I have more to give . A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. You might even consider chaos to be an essential part of your life experience. What type of starseed am I? I was given a reading that said I was Lyran from planet Shreliak. The degrees of 0-10 in any sign can indicate the Starseeds Orion or Mintakan. Here are two telltale signs that youre a Lyran Starseed you have a strange affinity for cats, as well as the element of fire. What is the purpose of Lyran starseeds on planet Earth? However, we need to remember that any Lyran Starseeds have incarnated and evolved through many lifetimes and forms. What is a Starseed and What Does it Mean in Astrology? | Keen You understand that fear is a part of life, but you can CHOOSE to let it govern you or use it as fuel to push forward. They are ancient souls who have deep spiritual wisdom, and have been dormant before choosing to share their gifts and knowledge with the beings of this planet. You actually find comfort in the freedom that comes with a little disorganization and lack of structure. So if youre tired of wondering if youre a Lyran Starseed, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. As Lyran Starseeds are incredibly complex, each one will have a special mission that can differ wildly from all the others. I did, and Ive never looked back since. I am a healer and checked all of the points in this post. Oh, and theres something else! Its just so weird that I feel like I dont fit in, theres something wrong and its like Im just an observer of what happening around if that makes sense. Life is full of things to be explored and enjoyed, and you want to discover it all! Its made of petrified seeds and baked clay in the design of two beam ships. We two cats need space around us! Relationships are a key part of anyones life, and its another place we can find signs that youre a Lyran Starseed. And contrary to Pleiadians who tend to shy away from the spotlight due to self-worth issues, you actually LIKE to lead and spread your light. This Lyra constellation contains one of the brightest stars visible from Earth, Vega which is thought to be the place where Lyrans came from. But all this variety can mean that you constantly need more of it. What Are Lyran Starseeds? Lyrans enjoy being in the physical form in the 3d world, pushing their physical limits, doing hard physical work, and enjoying what the physical world has to offer, eat, drink and be merry. I knew it was you because it had your face! I am now taking that clear message and feeling excited to learn more. In fact, they helped create the element of fire and the races of Atlantians and Lemurians. So thank you for this. Heres another big sign that youre a Lyran Starseed you have a strong sense of social justice and fairness, and you will fight for what is right without hesitation. However, that isnt to say theyve forgotten their heritage. This has dine that I must change my job some and then. although I actually feel I just have to be Lyran! Anyone who spends even a little time with you can clearly tell that youre an honest, reliable, and trustworthy person. The mission of Lyrans is to live life to its fullest and set an inspiration for others to do the same. This is why most Lyran Starseeds identify with multiple star systems, as they have reincarnated as several different starseed types. They have helped me out greatly in the past and answered all the questions I was having: Am I really a starseed? Aug 21, 2021 Photo by Jos Ignacio Pomp on Unsplash To find out which. Lyran starseeds often display joy for life and have the ability to inject spontaneity into even the most mundane activities. Remember to look out for your health and wellbeing, and that resting is also a key part of achieving our goals. The crazy thing is Ive known them for years. I wonder if You knew that Emanuels DNA is Lyran? You might find you excel at various sports, and you dont like to stay seated for hours on end. I always had sumflower seeds with me and when my friend-birdscame to me, they came to eat from my hand. Souls Space August 7, 2021 7 minute read Are you a Lyran starseed? Thank you so much for checking out this video! But these are the biggest personality hints that can tell you youre a Lyran Starseed. Starseeds: The Complete Guide! (Check Yourself If You're One!) You Are A Cat Person! The first word that comes to mind is one of awe..WOW! But Lyrans are a little different. Wow. In star maps, it's represented by a vulture or an eagle carrying a lyre, one of the lyran starseed activation symbols. may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits; love science fiction books and movies; maintain a few close friends instead of many casual friends and acquaintances; feel they have a mission to save the planet or to defend animal rights; sacral and throat chakra alignment This is our home now and WE ARE as much human as we are Lyran and dont really consider being separate from humans as other races might; rather we are the ones who asked for the other races help; rather than someone, or something, asking for ours. I can say for sure that this is my family group and I love them all. Below are 15 signs that you are a Lyran starseed incarnated as a human being: Lyrans have an adventurous nature which makes them lack the fear of change. They can help you in text chat, a call, or a video call and it costs much less than you might think. Caucasian Humanoids - light skin and light eye combinations with thin to muscular builds. As a Lyran starseed, you have a deep self-assurance which means you have no interest in boosting your self image or making yourself popular among others. How To Tell If You're A Lyran Starseed (Characteristics) - Journeys Of Life The reason you can overcome challenges is due to the millions of challenges Lyrans have faced in their long existence. Of course the other traits fit me too. Maybe we are more than we think But more than that, youre able to see the spiritual significance of these civilizations and that gives you a leg up in understanding the mysteries and symbolism still present in modern life. I connected with someone and they have been talking to me about it. I can not explain in english, what I felt when I read this infrmation I hug from my heart to your heart, dear light! You are a doing person who like to go all in. She said You were a big beautiful lion. But these skills may only become apparent after youve fully awakened. In my regression session one of my very close red headed friends were present in the form of a red cat. But its probably because Lyrans have been through so many reincarnation cycles, and are particularly good at adapting to new realities and environments. Feline Star Ancestors Many Lyran starseeds relate closely to the Feline race of Lyran star ancestors. If only there was a way you could avoid that risk, and know for sure if youve found the one. Lyrans enjoy being in the physical form in the 3d world, pushing their physical limits, doing hard physical work, and enjoying what the physical world has to offer, eat, drink and be merry. If anyone resonates with more than one, feel into that and follow your intuition <3, Hey! By pursuing this goal, youll be doing a great service to humanity as you can then begin to fulfill your mission towards others and humanity at large. Anyone whos had the chance to be in bed with a Lyran Starseed can count themselves lucy very lucky! You get energized by spending time alone, and dont care about being the centre of attention. Thanks to getting their help, I am now in full control of my abilities and can use them to move forward in my starseed mission. You might even be a bit of a daredevil and feel drawn to skydiving, climbing and other extreme sports. I was led here by searching for answers to something I saw when i was a kid. the most vivid ones These past weeks. If you want to know if youre a Lyran Starseed, you need to know what characteristics are typical of them. As such, Lyrans had to flee to other planets and star systems. Then Id be most happy. This might sound a tad bit selfish but thats far from the truth. In fact, Lyran Starseeds originate from Felines, one of the primary ancient races in our universe. During this process many of these beings made the choice to return to a lower vibrational state. It is said that 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to observe and set up the Universal gamer that they had completed in their universe. You revel in food, drink, physical activity, and culture. George Lucas is a starseed too although I dont remember which kind. Peace and abundance Zaran , I am most definitely! When I discovered about Lyra lion beings I just knew thats where my soul is from. So rather than becoming an expert in one single area, you cultivate talent and skill in various activities and fields. I had connections to the pleiades, arcturians and siriansbut felt not to fit in there. When I learned that Lyran humans might have been the first, prior to Dragon Anunaki, it led me to your youtube post. But not a Lyran Starseed. Do you have any other information regarding Lyrans? Traits of the Lyran Starseed - Blogger You dont necessarily mind being in the limelight, but you dont particularly care for it either. Just like Andromedan starseedslike myself, you are not a person happy to obey authorities. What is a starseed? This comprehensive guide will give you the real answer to all these questions. He was off to a difficult start very early in life, yet was always a force of some type. Types of Lyrans | Fixed Stars - Blogger Wow, although I knew I was starseed I did not know I was Lyran until now! After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love. Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From? If youre interested in chatting, feel free to email me anytime. For this reason, they volunteer to come to our planet for the blossoming of creative energy. Yes, Lyran starseeds are likely to have an affinity to cats and birds. Many do not understand me but I no longer am bothered by this. There is any way we can activate the actual soul, our true nature? The silver lining of this ancestral experience is that it encoded you with great perseverance. Every trait that is mentioned I encompass. Lyran Starseed: A Guide to Understanding Your Origin and Destiny [1] Contents 1 Fall of Lyra 2 Emerald Order Anuhazi 3 Royal Houses of Lyra 4 Cradle of Lyra 5 References 6 See Also Fall of Lyra The Lyran Wars are the very first seed of Anti-Christ conflict recorded in the Universal Time Matrix, in which the Black Hole Entities intended to conquer the entire Milky Way system. You have so many goals that its hard to focus on all of them at once and you dont like to wait for things to happen. Ive had others comment on my lyran personality before and never knew what it really was. I am using it to call Lyran star crafts but Kevin Ryerson , the Trance Channel says I need work with an other Lyran Star Seed if I want a craft to land. Lyran Starseed mission. Thus, a race of Feline starseeds became a thing in Egypt's history. Am so amazed, your article explains my life, sometimes sometimes I see things in my head and I begin to question if its hallucinations or some 1970s starwars franchise going on in my head, most amazingly I came across esoteric ebooks and I feel so connected like most of the events happened before my very eyes, Aho, I share the same sight multidimensional vision. This means you can easily excel at work, but also that you are more prone to burn out. Thanks for the knowledge! I am dazzled, and my body is vibrating and tingling. Lyran Starseeds often come off as serious and reserved. Youre willing to give many people a chance but unfortunately, very few of them can keep you interested for too long. That is why so many of us Lyrans feel connected to more than one star system. Aswell as my spirit animal which I will not name for private purposes (((: Hey! Deep grounding. I thinkm tgat my present boss also is Lyran. Now is the time for old souls to make their way from the depths of the universe to Earth and guide us through this transitional period with their pure spiritual wisdom. Felt like I should be reaching out to you because the day you wrote this comment 9, 15, Ive been seeing this every where I look during this transcending to 5d. Here we attempt to define the types of starseeds and provide common physical and spiritual characteristics of each. Youll be sure to recognize when something is worth pursuing for longer! This is a great way to explore life and discover new hobbies that can make you happy. The History of Lyra Ages ago, there was a time when higher dimensional beings began to cross-over to even higher realms. But one thing this means is that they tend to be a bit impatient. Didnt the Lyran seed the Arcturians and the Arcturian seeded the Pleiadians. Lyrans are also known for their connection to animals. This sense of purpose probably first materialized when you were a young child, born out of a deep curiosity. [lmt-post-modified-info]Lyran starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. The Felines are the geneticists who Well, enough left to explore, I am a Lyran with characteristics from other Starseeds as well. Would live to connect with other Lyran Soul Family, and find out more about them. I worked with Doctor Gordon Patrick Flanagan on many projects involving the recovery of Ancient Extraterrestrial crafts (Fallen Angels) and I wonder if you have heard of the nightly flights of UFOS in Mirim Brazil? And no wonder! Thank you so much for this article. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! Lyran Starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. I am writing a book about the lifetimes of the Lyran who created humanity from his twelve strand DNA. Lyran Starseed - Are you from Lyra? - Souls Space I finally got really freaked out and went outside and heard my mom driving off so I stayed outside unitl she got back a half hour or so later. Hej Julia tack fr din Article. As you can see, your Lyran Starseed mission is absolutely crucial to the progress and evolution of the galaxy. But I woke up emboldened. So you might have more qualities than are mentioned here. Youre able to ponder things from multiple angles and assess the situation with a cool head before taking action. 12) Feline. Or, you can save loads of time and frustration with just a little help from an expert advisor at Psychic Source. As I know my mission is the same. It costs much less than you might think. Youre not afraid to work hard for what you want. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. I wonder if starseed share specific astrology traits. This process of connecting with source energy allows them to fulfill their Earthly purpose and bring chance to the reality of the planet, through action, compassion and teaching. All About the Lyrans and Lyran Starseeds - YouTube Appearances can be deceiving, and Lyran starseeds are more identifiable by their inner characteristics than the superficial way they appear to the human eye. You do not understand why some people around you seem to live in a state of constant fear of what tomorrow will bring. Jasmine, Love and Light! It gives you a foundation for life and helps you feel grounded and withstand challenges. Hello Julia , I was actually sent this information by someone else, after reading this I have to think you are talking about me in every way possible. You trust your ability to achieve goals, and you arent afraid to fail and try again. The idea of spirit animals, which I have covered in this post, is strongly linked to starseeds. Lyran Starseeds are what we would call wary. Lyran Starseeds, their Traits, Purpose, and Mission Mundane physical tasks may feel alien to them as their primary desire is to explore their imagination and creative projects. This is rare and rather curious for such advanced spiritual beings. So i wanted to say thank you and please keep up the work you are doing. They are within you, just waiting to be unlocked. You get excited when people succeed, or try to better themselves. Thank you for the work you do. Also because I have a strong connection to lions and to the leo star sign as well also with regards to my physical attributes Well, maybe Ill overcome my doubts someday Either way, thank you so much for sharing! I mentioned them earlier. You see things from all points of view without casting judgment, and so find it hard to tolerate people who are convinced that their worldview is the right one. But what exactly is a Lyran Starseed, and what are the signs that youre a Lyran Starseed? 10 Astonishing Traits That Will Prove You Are A Feline Starseed! Ive always looks at the stars and Orion system with longing and sorrow. Whats your relationship tally so far? I love these names - Altair Aquila They sound like music to me! Lyran Starseeds also make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activity, pushing . Add to Favorites Bundle Printable Coloring Page, Lyran High Council, Andromedan and Lemurian High Priestess Light Language Code Digital Art Print . Youll never be able to change what happened, so the best thing you can do is look to the future and how you can apply your wisdom to improving it. I was told by my guides that I am a Lyran, who also lived in Lemuria. I am happy to be of service to others in their awakening. Do you suspect that you are a Lyran starseed? They now exist in several different galaxies and thousands of different planets on dimensions all the way up to the 9th dimension. Lyran Starseeds - Are You One Of Them? - Spiritual Unite Sirian Starseed Traits and Markings - Otherworldly Oracle But I was so tired of struggling with trying to figure things out on my own, that when a friend suggested I talk to someone at Psychic Source, I decided to go for it. Lyrans are the cosmic human ancestors who are the ancestral line of all humans in our galaxy. (234) $27.77 5D Lyra Connection Oil, Powerful Lyran Starseed Connection Intention Oil, Ancient Lyran Oil For Meditation & Astral Projection (28) $46.44 FREE shipping LYRAN Starseed Crystal Pouch - Sovereign Creator - Ancient Soul - New Earth Frequency - Wisdom - 5D consciousness - Confidence - Earth Star (12) $31.56
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