We used a spot size of 40m, depending on the area available for analysis, a repetition rate of 6Hz and a count time of 33s (200 pulses) on the sample and 30s on the gas blank (background). 3, Supplementary Table 1), correspond with those of glasses from the proximal products of the Qi2 eruption of Shala volcano (samples ETH17-14A1, B1, B5 and C) (Figs. A reconstruction based on fossils found at Jebel Irhoud shows that these 300,000-year-old Homo sapiens had faces like modern humans but a more archaic braincase (in blue). 4. Location: Kenya Almost every skeleton on this list is almost complete with just a few bones missing. Correspondence to This correlation has been debated30 but reinforced by additional geochemical data25. The human fossil known as KNM ER 1813 is one of the oldest and most complete Homo habilis specimens ever 3. Accordingly, correlations are ideally based on a detailed suite of major, minor and trace element single-grain glass shard or pumice glass analyses. Error bars shown are relative standard deviations derived from repeat measurements of matrix match glass secondary standards STH-S6 (for FeO*, n=91; Supplementary Table 6) and ATHO-G (for Al2O3, CaO and TiO2, n=70; Supplementary Table 6). 1 from Google Earth and plate boundaries data courtesy of the US Geological Survey. When a flint is heated, the stone releases its trapped electrons, resetting its clock. By taking detailed measurements of background radiation in the excavated soils, and checking how many electrons the flints had trapped since last burned, the researchers could date the stone tools. Immobile oxide abundances, including FeO*, CaO, Al2O3 and TiO2 (Fig. The find reveals five individuals who were living in a cave, hunting animals like gazelles with stone-tipped spears. 2a), we sampled at a more-than-20-m-thick exposure of the unwelded Qi2 ignimbrite27 (Fig. Palaeogeogr. Unlike other Homo habilis skulls, KNM ER 1813 only has a cranial capacity of 510 cubic centimeters the accepted cutoff for Homo habilis skulls is 600 cubic centimeters. The oldest fossil remains of Homo sapiens, dating back 300,000 years, were found at a site in Jebel Irhoud, Morocco. Year Discovered: 1936. Quat. A pulse of mid-Pleistocene rift volcanism in Ethiopia at the dawn of modern humans. Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, Cline M. Vidal,Christine S. Lane&Clive Oppenheimer, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, School of Earth Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Department of Mining and Geological Engineering, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana, NEIF Argon Isotopes, University of Glasgow, SUERC, Glasgow, UK, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society, Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley, CA, USA, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK, Histoire Naturelle de lHomme Prhistorique (HNHP, UMR 7194), MNHN/CNRS/UPVD, Muse de lHomme, Paris, France, Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, UK, You can also search for this author in WebAbbreviations used in fossil catalog name. Replicate standard analyses and standard deviations are reported in Supplementary Table 6. Here we report geochemical analyses that link the Kamoyas Hominid Site (KHS) Tuff9, which conclusively overlies the member of the Omo-Kibish Formation that contains Omo I, with a major explosive eruption of Shala volcano in the Main Ethiopian Rift. 4, 5, Supplementary Information). Error bars show data and results at 2. Shifting the age of the oldest known Homo sapiens fossils in eastern Africa to before around 200thousand years ago is consistent with independent evidence for greater antiquity of the modern human lineage10. But dating the site was tricky. 1b). Google Scholar. Feldspars were extracted from pumice samples at the Departments of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. 446, 131 (2008). This ancient jawbone belonged to a human from the Homo rudolfensis group and is considered the oldest specimen from the genus Homo. 16,31,32). The Omo remains are a collection of fossil bones This precluded evaluation of the reported correlation with the KHS Tuff6. Year Discovered: 1921. At White Sands, we find many remarkable fossilized footprints scattered across Lake Otero. Stratigraphic descriptions and sampling were carried out during two field seasons in 2017 and 2018. Nature 426, 621622 (2003). Sample runs were corrected using the standard deviation of blanks throughout the runs. Standard deviations of trace element ratios (Fig. Cosmochim. 4, 5, Supplementary Table 2, Supplementary Information). Bull. Side view of ancient human skull. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Franz Weidenreich took over the research until Weidenreich had to leave China in 1941. Shala and Corbetti are the only Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) systems known to have produced major eruptions between around 170ka and 250ka26. Isaiah 45:18 states clearly that God did not create the world a chaotic wasteland: "Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited. Samples and neutron flux monitors were packaged in copper foil and stacked in quartz tubes with the relative positions of packets precisely measured for later reconstruction of neutron flux gradients. Stratigraphic, chronological and behavioural contexts of Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. [citation needed] The study also found that LM1 was a similar age to LM3, and not 30,000 years old, as previously thought. Age: c.12,000 to 13,000 years old. Data were collected on a Mass Analyser Products MAP-215-50 single-collector mass spectrometer using an electron multiplier collector in dynamic collection (peak hopping) mode. Age: 2.5 2.3 million years Phil. White, T. D. et al. Day for assistance with sample preparation and microprobe analyses in Cambridge. The first human fossils were discovered in the 19th century and were highly controversial. Neither of these classifications is correct or recognized today and the specimen is widely believed to be Homo erectus. Anzick Boy. The find significantly extended our species timeline, as the previous oldest H. sapiens fossils were around 200,000 years old. BAR (Lukeino, Tugen Hills) Baringo District, Kenya. A 160,000-year-old skull found in Ethiopia is the oldest known modern human fossil. J. Hum. White boxes with blue edges depict former correlatives of the KHS Tuff6,8 b, Synthetic stratigraphic logs of the late Middle Pleistocene formations showing former correlations for the Alyio Tuff6 (green), Konso SVT (pink, also identified in the Chew Bahir sediment core33), new correlations for Konso unit TA-56 (yellow), and source eruptions (stars). Rocks were crushed in a jaw crusher and sieved to obtain a 250500-m size fraction, cleaned under water and passed through a Frantz magnetic barrier laboratory separator to isolate sanidine phenocrysts from the groundmass. Sci. The Moroccan fossils add to a decades-long debate about how and where Homo sapiens arose. Lithostratigraphy and sedimentary environments of the hominid-bearing PliocenePleistocene Konso Formation in the southern Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia. Sample preparation was carried out in the Cambridge Tephra Laboratory in line with the protocols of the International Focus Group on Tephrochronology (INTAV)12,37 for geochemical characterization of volcanic glass. WebSome of the earliest human remains date back to this time, while the oldest nearly complete skeletons are only about 100,000 years old. These two sub-samples from the top and bottom of the same stratigraphic unit are indistinguishable in age at 2 uncertainty, which permits them to be combined into a single composite sample. The sample package was irradiated for 2h in the Oregon State University reactor, Cd-shielded facility (CLICIT). KNM ER 1813. Those fossils put the spotlight on eastern sub-Saharan Africa for the origin of our species. Web5 facts you need to know about the cradle of humankind. Analysis of the human remains, and dating of the site and the fossil itself, indicate a likely age of at least 177,000 years for the fossilmaking it the oldest member of the Homo sapiens clade found outside Africa. Location: Indonesia 1). The remains, known as Omo I, were found in southwest Ethiopia in the late 1960s. Its very good and important work, but it doesnt tell us much about modern human behavior, notes Robert Franciscus, a paleontologist at the University of Iowa who worked on the Florisbad skull. Species: Homo habilis 8. God's church has been commissioned primarily to announce the good news of the soon-coming Kingdom of God to humanity now on earththose descended from Adam, who the Bible shows was created nearly 6,000 years ago. We have re-sampled the KHS Tuff and other pertinent ash deposits at Omo-Kibish, Konso and Gademotta to assess the geochemical correlations from which the ages of the oldest modern human fossils are inferred. Brown, F. H., McDougall, I. 55, 409420 (2008). . Renne et al. Our new age constraints are congruent with most models for the evolution of modern humans, which estimate the origin of H. sapiens and its divergence from archaic humans at around 350200ka (refs. Correlating tephras and cryptotephras using glass compositional analyses and numerical and statistical methods: review and evaluation. (2010). The Omo I remains were discovered in the late 1960s in the lower Omo valley of southern Ethiopia1,14, at the surface of a siltstone near the top of Member I of the Omo-Kibish Formation (Fig. 8. Average compositions of EPMA secondary standards for years 20182019. Age: 1.9 million years Thank you for visiting nature.com. Clearing away debris revealed the back wall of an old cave, which they slowly chipped away at with chisels and hammers. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Owing to the uncertain stratigraphic relationship between this tuff and the hominin fossils19, much attention has been focused on dating the KHS Tuffa widespread, more-than-2-m-thick deposit of fine ash fallout at the base of Member II of the Omo-Kibish Formation (Fig. 36) calibration has quantifiable uncertainties and is our preferred age for the sample. Direct dating of the WAVT has remained inconclusive owing to crystal contamination, but dating of pumice and obsidian clasts in the fossiliferous sandstone yielded a maximum age of around 160kyr (ref. BOU-VP Bouri Vertebrate Paleontology, Ethiopia. Afghanistan - 678 BCE. WebFrom the Bible we know that Adam and Eve were the first humans made in the image of God and given a human spirit to make possible the wondrous functioning of the human mind. All analyses are reported in Supplementary Table 1. WebThe age of 40,000 years is currently the most widely accepted age for the LM3, making LM3 the second oldest modern human fossil east of India. WebThe sediments contain a series of well-defined hearths and a rich stone-based industry, as well as abundant animal remains. Quat. & Fleagle, J. G. Correlation of the KHS Tuff of the Kibish Formation to volcanic ash layers at other sites, and the age of early Homo sapiens (Omo I and Omo II). Nevertheless, for consistency with previous work, the latter age (23322kyr) is used throughout the manuscript. Afghanistan - 678 BCE. This female stood about 1.2 meters, or about 4 feet, tall. Am. Evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr reclassified the Java Man as Homo erectus in 1950. 2d, Supplementary Table 3), thereby dating the Qi2 eruption and the KHS tuff. Quat. The fossils were extensively studied by paleoanthropologist David Blackson until his death in 1934. Location: Malawi Dating of the Herto hominin fossils. It is evident, however, that the previous world ended in chaos and destruction because of the rebellion of the angels (Genesis 1:2; Jude 6). 4, 5), it is clear that TA-55 is younger than 1778kyr and so cannot correlate with Qi2 or the KHS Tuff. Crossing new frontiers: extending tephrochronology as a global geoscientific research tool. Schlebusch, C. M. et al. Here they found a rich pocket of previously undiscovered remains in a small area about the size of Hublins desk: Every 50 centimeters there is a human bone or a tooth or something, Hublin says. A tiny fossil containing the remains of the worlds oldest insect was initially found in 1920s, but not studied until recently. The shape was cracked as it fossilized. 2b, c, 3, Supplementary Fig. At the time of the fossils discovery in 1936, Ralph von Koenigswald classified the skullcap as Pithecanthropus modjokertensis but soon renamed it Homo modjokertensis. They were created for the purpose of enlarging the Family of God. Fact 3: Kenya has some of the world's most complete skeletons including the Turkana Boy (1.6 Ar-Ar dating was supported by grant NIGFSC IP-1683-1116 through the UK Natural Environment Research Council. Species: Homo habilis To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The KHS Tuff overlies Member I, where Omo I was retrieved around 1.4m lower down section, and is demonstrably younger than the fossils3,9. 24, 19521960 (2005). WebFrom the Bible we know that Adam and Eve were the first humans made in the image of God and given a human spirit to make possible the wondrous functioning of the human mind. WebThe oldest reliably classified fossils belonging to the genus Homo date back to a little over 2 million years ago. Chronostratigraphy and correlation of the PlioPleistocene tephra layers of the Konso Formation, southern Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia. A new analysis has pushed the age of the oldest known Homo sapiens fossils from eastern Africa back to more than 230,000 years. One of the oldest known Homo sapiens fossils may be more than 35,000 years older than previously thought, according to a study on Wednesday that used volcanic ash to date the find. The skull fossil was uncovered in 1973 in Kenya by Kamoya Kimeu, who worked with famed paleontologists Meave Leakey and Richard Leakey. From about 350,000 to 160,000 years ago the human fossil record shows a mixing and matching of different traits, in different times and places, some of which are The analytical accuracy was checked against international standards ATHO-G, STH-S6 and internal peralkaline obsidian from Lipari (74wt% SiO2, 3.8wt% Na2O and 5.3wt% K2O). Hublins team first had to clean up the mine, which meant removing about 200 cubic meters of limestone blocks and dirt with a bulldozer; they had to build a new road to get the heavy equipment to the mine. Lane, C. S., Cullen, V. L., White, D., Bramham-Law, C. W. F. & Smith, V. C. Cryptotephra as a dating and correlation tool in archaeology. We sampled the previously described27 Qi2 eruption of Shala volcano, and we revisited the Konso20,21, Omo-Kibish3,6,9 and Gademotta22,34 formations (Fig. J. Volcanol. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in What happened laterwhen and how Homo sapiens got smarter and moved into what is now Europeis also still under debate. The fine grain size of the KHS Tuff has precluded direct 40Ar/39Ar dating, and no correlation to a source volcano or proximal pyroclastic unit has to our knowledge been made previously. Although the 18410kyr unit D of Gademotta appears close to KHS in major element contents, neither major nor trace element abundances clearly overlap (Fig. 3, Supplementary Fig. For decades, their precise age has been debated, but a new study argues they're around 233,000 years old. Trace element compositions of individual tephra shards were analysed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) at the iCRAG laboratory at Trinity College Dublin. She has a bachelors degree in oceanography and chemistry, and a masters in journalism, both from the University of British Columbia. 18). Rev. Distal tephra samples from Gademotta (unit D), Konso (TA-55/ETH18-14B and TA-56/ETH18-14A) and Omo-Kibish formations (KHS, ETH18-08) were washed through a sieve in purified water at 80 or 25m, then dried, described under microscope and mounted in epoxy resin stubs, then sectioned and polished. Hart, W. K. et al. Geochronol. WebAn accelerated carbon dating technique revealed a dating of 47,000 11,000 years ago, making it the oldest human fossil recovered in the complex. Contrary to previous arguments6,8, we also show that the KHS Tuff does not correlate with another widespread tephra layer, the Waidedo Vitric Tuff, and therefore cannot anchor a minimum age for the Herto fossils. Please send your republication request via email to editorsapiens.org. Sci. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Oldest.org | Terms | Privacy | Contact | Facebook, Our ancient human ancestors developed language around 35,000 BCE, which is when the worlds oldest cave paintings were created. CAS Archaeologists recently dated H. sapiens fossils found there to around 315,000 years ago. 1527 Altmetric Metrics This article has been updated Abstract Efforts to date the oldest modern human fossils in eastern Africa, from Omo-Kibish 1, 2, 3 and Herto 4, 5 ADS Species: Homo erectus Nagaoka, S. et al. 18, samples with low radiogenic yields (40Ar*<10%, 23 grains), and obvious outliers (age>1Myr, 6 grains) were rejected. Now, researchers have discovered another three Denisovan fossils in Denisova Cave. Geochronol. Given the lingering uncertainties of the stratigraphic relationship of the Nakaakire Tuff to Omo I, the age of the KHS Tuff becomes critical to the chronostratigraphy of these sites. All data supporting the findings of this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information files. Researchers estimate that the Turkana Boy was about 7 11 years old at the time of death. Sci. B 371, 20150241 (2016). WebThe earliest known life forms on Earth are believed to be fossilized microorganisms found in hydrothermal vent precipitates, considered to be about 3.42 billion years old. and JavaScript. Data reduction was undertaken in Iolite v.3.4 and a secondary Ca correction factor was applied40. The jawbone found at the Uraha Hill paleoanthropological site in Malawi is the oldest known human fossil in the world. The face of these people is similar to faces you might cross in the street today, says lead researcher Jean-Jacques Hublin of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. 3, Supplementary Figs. And the dates scientists give always come with a measure of uncertainty, especially as fossils get older. Your email address will not be published. Nature 590, 229237 (2021). Sudan - 1070 BCE. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Overview: Early African Homo erectus fossils (sometimes called Homo ergaster) are the oldest known early humans to have possessed modern human-like body proportions with relatively elongated legs and shorter arms compared to the size of the torso.These features are considered adaptations to a life lived on the ground, indicating 18) calibration, the Renne et al. This story is part of an ongoing series exploring questions about human origins. Using CT scanning, scientists Nature 426, 622622 (2003). and D.F.M. The exact age of the jawbone is unknown but is estimated to be around 2.5 2.3 million years old. d, 40Ar/39Ar age pooled data plotted on ideograms for samples 14A and 14C of the Qi2 ignimbrite (bottom) yielding a preferred composite eruption age of 23322kyr (top). Were glad you enjoyed the article! 216, 333357 (2005). They were thought to be an archaic pocket, while the real story [of human evolution] was emerging somewhere else, says Hublin. The jawbone found at the Uraha Hill paleoanthropological site in Malawi is the oldest known human 2. However researchers later decided that the jawbone belonged to Homo rudolfensis because it was too different from specimens from other early human groups. 73104 (2019). Ardi (ARA-VP-6/500) is the designation of the fossilized skeletal remains of an Ardipithecus ramidus, thought to be an early human-like female anthropoid 4.4 million years old. Our KHS age is incongruent with the formation of Mediterranean Sapropel S6 at 172ka6, and instead overlaps the timing of the formation of sapropel S8 (217ka)9,29. Sci. Fontijn, K. et al. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A.M. contributed to palaeoanthropological discussion of the manuscript. Using CT scanning, scientists could visualize and separate the cracked pieces to reconstruct its original shape. Richter, D. et al. They belong to, , a type of ancient hominin that scientists classify as the first of our genus, and which may have led to, , we must travel to Morocco, to a site known as Jebel Irhoud. Three extinct suid (pig) species, which had been previously dated at other AL 288-1, commonly known as Lucy or Dinkinesh ( , which means "you are marvellous" in Amharic ), is a collection of several hundred pieces of fossilized bone . Basically, the Bible deals with the 7,000-year plan of God for the descendants of Adam and has only sketchy glimpses of what occurred beforeor what shall come after this period. At about 300,000 years old, the new collection of early Homo sapiens bones pushes back the first solid evidence of our species presence in Africa by 100,000 years. Quat. Scientist Ron Clarke pushed for the skulls reconstruction and it was finally examined. The Moroccan site, called Jebel Irhoud, tells a similar story as another early Homo sapiens site in Florisbad, South Africa, where a skull was dated to 260,000 years ago in the 1990s. This sandstone is capped by the Waidedo Vitric Tuff (WAVT) (Fig. Decay constants and corrections (Supplementary Table 5) were made using the approach of Renne et al. They are plotted in the top right corner of each plot for clarity and rescaled to the value of the centre point. 1a, b). Age: about 1.9 million years The team also unearthed bones from gazelles, zebras, wildebeest, and lions that had been broken, cut, or burned by people living at the site, along with many burned flint tools. That 315,000-year-old estimate could be off by thousands of years. The oldest confirmed date for an archaeosite in the Americas is 18,500 and 14,500 cal BP for the Monte Verde site in southern Chile. Location: Kenya Using this method, they dated about a dozen flints to an average age of more than 300,000 years old. The precision is reflected by the standard deviations of replicate standard analyses (Supplementary Table 7), used for error bars on Fig. All other human species have been long extinct, but we know about them today through various fossil specimens. We still have a lot of work to do, agrees Hublin. Over her career, Jones has been a regular editor and contributor to SAPIENS, Nature,Yale Environment 360,Hakai Magazine, Knowable Magazine, and other publications. Ages for unit samples ETH17-14A1 and ETH17-14C are reported with two sigma errors in Supplementary Table 3 with the raw data in Supplementary Table 4. Pumice samples of the Qi2 Shala eruption were crushed, sieved at 500, 250, and 125m, and washed in purified water and hydrochloric acid (1%) in an ultrasonic bath. Although its correlation with the WAVT at Herto should be confirmed in the future using grain-discrete single-point glass analyses, this age bracket is consistent with the underlying Herto fossiliferous sandstone (approximately 160kyr)5, and confirms that the Herto H. sapiens fossils are considerably younger than Omo I at Omo-Kibish. Overall, 15 partial skulls, 11 mandibles, several teeth, some skeletal bones, and a large number of stone tools were recovered from the dig sites. The Bible is God's revelation of knowledge that man cannot discover by himselfprimarily spiritual knowledge concerning the purpose of life and the origin of creation. Sodium was measured first to minimize alkali loss. Fact 2: Africa's oldest human remains were found in the Tugen Hills in Kenya, and go back 7 million years. When the jawbone was first discovered in 1991, scientists thought that it belonged to another early human ancestor, Homo habilis. As one of the first major human fossil finds from the late 19th century, the Java Man is a widely known early human specimen. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. 279, 7389 (2010). We were unable to find preserved glass in our TA-55 sample but our results undermine the tephrostratigraphic correlations proposed between the Omo-Kibish, Gademotta and Konso formations6 and bracket the age of the Konso TA-55 tuff between 1778kyr (TA-56) and 15514kyr (SVT). The iCRAG LA-ICP-MS facility at Trinity College Dublin is supported by SFI award 13/RC/2092. Internet Explorer). Rhyniognatha hirsti Age: 400 Major elements were measured with an accelerating voltage of 10kV and a 10-nA defocused beam. 1 are Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model data at one arcsecond resolution from the NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/); settlements, lakes and other features are from (https://www.naturalearthdata.com/). Get unlimited access for as low as $1.99/month, Humans, as we understand them, actually have a fairly ancient legacy on this planet. Contrasting styles of post-caldera volcanism along the Main Ethiopian Rift: implications for contemporary volcanic hazards. Location: Tanzania The discovery of the jawbone also shed more light on how early human may have migrated throughout Africa. 8 Largest Human Skeletons in the World, Your email address will not be published. Only eight sites in Africa have yielded possible early anatomically modern Homo sapiens fossils from the late Middle Pleistocene (approximately350130thousand years ago(ka))11. The Turkana Boy also had a narrower pelvis which suggests he was completely bipedal this differs from other early hominin species which still climbed trees and were only partial bipedal. Year Discovered: 1972. Sci. Unfortunately, the original Peking Man fossils vanished in 1941 when Beijing was under Japanese occupation. This file contains information on tephra geochemistry, Supplementary Figs. LHM, lower Herto Member; UHM, upper Herto Member. Georgia - 1300 BCE. The correct versions of Supplementary Tables 3 and 4 have now been posted. Am. These dates are remarkable on several counts, scientists said. Trans. And the dates scientists give always come with a measure of uncertainty, especially as fossils get older. This date made the bones, with their combination of modern and archaic features, look like throwbacks rather than like early representatives of Homo sapiens. 2d). Before genetics, these divergence dates were estimated by the oldest fossils of various lineages scientists found. 3, Supplementary Figs. Currency, To fully grasp the importance of the oldest symbols known to man, we first need to talk about what a, The earliest legitimate writing systems did not emerge until around 3200 BCE, so most of human history before this time, The school desk is an object almost everyone has faced throughout their childhoods and adolescence. See also. Want to republish it? C.M.V., C.O., C.S.L., A.A. and W.H. Accompanying photos are not included in any republishing agreement; requests to republish photos must be made directly to the copyright holder. Morgan, L. & Renne, P. Diachronous dawn of Africas Middle Stone Age: new 40Ar/39Ar ages from the Ethiopian Rift. b, Synthetic stratigraphy of the Qi2 ignimbrite of Shala at location ETH17-14. Day, M. H. Early Homo sapiens remains from the Omo River region of South-west Ethiopia: Omo human skeletal remains.
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