Increasing support to developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, is fundamental to equitable progress for all. Glob Transit 1:210225, Van Tulder R, Seitanidi MM, Crane A, Brammer S (2016) Enhancing the impact of cross-sector partnerships. 2 Forging a broad-based partnership (BBP) for collaborative SDG implementation. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. All rights reserved. Ideally, applications should focus on entry points where accelerated joint actions can deliver greatest impact for the SDGs Decade of Action and where there is broad stakeholder buy-in. These negotiations and tensions are present in the Agenda, with certain contradictory goals that sometimes fail to go deep enough into the causes of certain problems. Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, Scharlemann JP, Brock RC, Balfour N, Brown C, Burgess ND, Guth MK, Kapos V (2020) Towards understanding interactions between sustainable development goals: the role of environmenthuman linkages. Bosses can use these tactics to help staff recharge and avoid burnout. Definition of the SDG indicator: Indicator 17.9.1 is the dollar value of financial and technical assistance (including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation) committed to developing countries in the UN SDG framework. To assist the RCs and UN Country Teams (UNCTs) on which agencies to engage and on what issues, the framework could be applied to the specific crisis related SDG using off-the-shelf SDG mappings, expert appraisal of linkages and/or stakeholder consultation. Calls to enhance cooperation and coordination between line ministries are common (Nilsson et al. If you would like participate, you can use data from any source, but the overall goal is to focus your analysis on some of the topics mentioned in the Targets section above. Much of the focus has been on developing scientific tools to assist policy makers with identifying and assessing synergies and trade-offs for coherent planning and policies (Allen et al. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. The sustainable development goals (SDGs) offer a broad, holistic framework of interdependent economic, social, and environmental objectives to enable integrated and collaborative approaches to their implementation. DFIN: Department of Finance. 2016; Weitz et al. The interactive visualization shows data on three of these indicators: consumer price inflation, gross public sector debt, and merchandise trade. Data on exports and imports of ESTs is shown in the interactive visualization. The next step is to map out interlinkages between the issue focus SDG goal or target and the other SDGs. One important challenge for implementation, however, concerns the integrated nature of the SDGs and the need to capitalize on synergies and manage trade-offs between goals and targets to ensure efficient and equitable implementation (Alcamo 2019; Nilsson et al. Glob Environ Chang 50:212221, Wichelns D (2017) The water-energy-food nexus: is the increasing attention warranted, from either a research or policy perspective? The focus of the approach is on doing this in a systematic way. United Nations, New York. More research: Further data and research on this topic is available at the Our World in Data topic pages on Technological Change and the Internet. To date, over 500 partnerships have registered with participants drawn from international institutions, national governments, NGOs, industry associations, research institutions and grassroots organizations. Although rarely defined explicitly, BBPs are often alluded in contemporary debates on sustainable supply chains which calls for international cooperation and bilateral partnerships to ensure public and private actors work together to green each point of the supply chain (SDSN 2019; van Hille et al. You have permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. Sustain Dev 25(5):372385, Allen C, Metternicht G, Wiedmann T (2018) Initial progress in implementing the sustainable development goals (SDGs)a review of evidence from countries. How companies can get a grip on business email compromise. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp 2550, Chan S, Boran I, van Asselt H, Ellinger P, Garcia M, Hale T, Shrivastava MK (2021) Climate ambition and sustainable development for a new decade: a catalytic framework. In a recent study on which government departments in Ireland need to cooperate for integrated SDG14 implementation, Horan (2020a) applied the framework to four SDG14 targetsreducing marine pollution (14.1), sustainable fishing (14.4), marine protection (14.5) and raising economic benefits (14.7). 2020; Stibbe and Prescott 2020; Zusman and Amanuma 2018), less attention has been devoted to their responsibilities in terms of implementation. 2019; IIASA 2018). The dashboard approach to engagement and coordination presented here offers an interesting avenue for future research on SDG implementation. Assessment can be taken in two steps: first, an assessment of performance on the entry point goal or target (ignoring linkages) and second, an integrated assessment of performance (that accounts for the first-order interlinkages)., Glass LM, Newig J (2019) Governance for achieving the sustainable development goals: how important are participation, policy coherence, reflexivity, adaption and democratic institutions?, DOI: German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany, Caplan K (2013) Taking the mythology out of partnerships: a view from the ground up. Florida Gov. 2007). In this section, four examples are discussed to shed light on ways the tool can be used in practice and some problems that can arise in applications, namely the types of interactions that can be considered, how to determine responsibilities and how to single out actors who might be relevant. Not enough attention has been given to roles and responsibilities of different stakeholder groups in integrated implementation. Accessed 25 June, 2021, United Nations (2019b) United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework. If you've ever listened to President Joe Biden talk about fighting climate change, chances are you've heard him connect it to "good-paying . 2014), much less attention has been devoted to developing approaches that use interlinkages to foster effective partnerships (Breuer et al. To summarize, the process starts by defining the scope of the coalition-building problem, i.e., the basic elements of the BBP (Pattberg and Widerberg 2016; Huijstee et al. Following (Horan 2020a, b), four criteria are proposed for indicator selection. Less attention has been devoted to developing analytic frameworks and evidence-based tools aimed at enhancing collaborative approaches to integrated implementation. Definition of the SDG indicator: Indicator 17.12.1 is the weighted average tariffs faced by developing countries, least developed countries and small island developing States in the UN SDG framework. Personal remittances comprise personal transfers and compensation of employees. of effective partnership practice while building up the partnership-enabling eco-system through: training individuals; supporting organisations to become institutionally fit for partnering; supporting the strategy, development, evaluation and best practice guidance for partnerships; building in-country platforms to catalyse Africa CDC (2021) Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: annual report 2020. Sustainability 13(20):11272, Farrell DM, Suiter J, Harris C (2019) Systematizing constitutional deliberation: the 201618 citizens assembly in Ireland. Sign up to enjoy 20% off your first purchase & be first to hear what's happening. Links to a number of datasets from the Humanitarian Data Exchange related to Goal 17 can be found on our site here. Description. Aided by the development of the global indicator set of 232 official indicators (United Nations 2016), indicator-based assessments of progress on the SDGs can help to refine actor selection and identify challenges and highlight areas where joint efforts might be needed provided indicator selection is based on evidence of interlinkages (Horan 2020a, b). Alcamo 2019) and in practice (cf. Global indicator framework for the sustainable development goals and targets of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. 2021a, b; Bennich et al. Springer, London, pp 169189, Chapter 459K followers Practice and Strategy. 2019). 2019). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can only be realized with a strong commitment to global partnership and cooperation. 2018). The Scaling Up Nutrition alliance, Dutch Energy Agreement and the Hawaii Green Growth Platform also brought together diverse actors to incubate collaborative actions (Prescott and Stibbe 2020). For instance, Irelands SDG National Implementation Plan 20182020 divided responsibility for all 169 targets across its 16 departments (DCCAE 2018). This is true across every sector. Issues like the climate crisis, poverty, and hunger can only be solved through collaboration. Handled by Lee Bosher, Loughborough University, United Kingdom. 2018). Target: Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism for least developed countries, in particular information and communications technology.. Definition of the SDG indicator: Indicator 17.13.1 is the Macroeconomic Dashboard in the UN SDG framework. IIT JEE UPSC SSC CSIR UGC NET NEET UG. While NGOs, subnational governments and local communities can help to identify lists of actors who might be relevant at subnational levels, SDG interaction studies and dashboards tend to have greater coverage at national level. DAFM: Department of Agriculture, Food, and Marine. While many commitments are often announced at high-level events (e.g., UNClimate Summits), participation in these events is typically based on actors institutional memberships and networks rather than evidence-based methods to engage stakeholders (Pattberg et al. To support integrated implementation, the framework could be applied to specific events to identify relevant actors to engage. While the examples suggest public actors such as developed country governments, UN Agencies, UNCTs should invest in dedicated multi-disciplinary teams and technical capacitiesto harness collaborative implementation, a priority for the research community more generally should be to develop low-cost rapid assessment (LCRA) approaches for contexts where resources and technical capabilities are low (Allen et al. It is important that governments, development agencies, and other ., Allen C, Metternicht G, Wiedmann T (2021b) Priorities for science to support national implementation of the sustainable development goals: a review of progress and gaps. 2018) could be applied at global level. Although the examples did not attempt to deal with vertical integration in a substantive way, the strategies proposed to identify relevant actors at international and national levels appear less useful for integration across scales and applications at subnational level. Nat Sustain 2(11):10411050, Allen C, Smith M, Rabiee M (2021a) A review of scientific advancements in datasets derived from big data for monitoring the sustainable development goals. The final step forges the BBP which brings together the lead actor(s), monitoring tool, identified challenges to be addressed and the relevant actors. Nat Clim Change 7:311313. When companies, countries, governments and people unite and take action, great goals are achieved. 2017), and modeling (Pedercini et al. As we mentioned on our Home page, building a viz is not the only way to participate. Ensuring that the targets and goals for sustainable development are achieved requires effective partnerships, since the SDGs are more ambitious and larger in scope than their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Explore the Forum's latest opinion articles, timely analyses and explainers from leaders in business, politics, and civil society. In addition, substantive progress will require transformative action which means moving beyond incremental policy changes and siloed actions to cross-sectoral policy mixes, joined up actions and portfolios of coordinated interventions (United Nations 2019a, b; OECD 2019; Sachs et al. To deal with current and emerging crises, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of effective transnational cooperation, especially for developing countries (Klingebiel and Gonsior 2020). Since internationally comparable data is not currently available for this indicator, this is shown in the interactive visualization as the average import tariffs in each country, additionally disaggregated by primary and manufactured products. On the other hand, a nexus approach would restrict cooperation to 23 departments. Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production, Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Extreme heat is particularly hard on older adults, and climate change is making the problem worse. 2020; Chan et al. Irelands climate action plan 2019. Continued developments in these areas offer unprecedented opportunities to enable more data-driven approaches to partnerships. Given the issue, e.g., universal energy access, energy transition, mappings of SDG7 interactions (e.g., ICSU 2017; Nerini et al. Increasingly, studies map the alignment of business operations (Sachs 2018) and universities activities (SDSN 2018) to the SDGs helping to highlight roles and responsibilities in implementation. In federal states the central government accounts provide an incomplete view of total public finance. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Pattberg P, Chan S, Sanderink L, Widerberg O (2018) Linkages: understanding their role in polycentric governance. He is aTableau Public Ambassadorand a Tableau Public Featured Author. Large N studies of partnerships tend to report low participation by actors from local and national levels, particularly in transnational partnerships which are often led by public actors such as UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), or national governments, either on their own or in some combination (Clough et al. Business email compromise has evolved from basic email phishing scams to sophisticated invoice scams needing a multi-faceted approach to safeguarding. Though not addressed in this paper, enabling collaborative implementation requires not just technical tools to bring actors together but also deeper institutional and organization reforms to fully operationalize this approach. When we work together towards the same goals, we have the power to achieve them all. 2012). Healthcare systems need to be consumer-centric. Environ Polit 26(4):764788, Beck S, Mahony M (2017) The IPCC and the politics of anticipation. 1 MOBILIZE RESOURCES TO IMPROVE DOMESTIC REVENUE COLLECTION Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection. You can notify us of available data for this indicator via our feedback form. 2014, 2017). Select the best indicators. Information on ministries responsibilities can be supplied by the national government. Definition of the SDG indicator: Indicator 17.18.2 is the number of countries that have national statistical legislation that complies with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in the UN SDG framework. Brian Moore is a Senior Data Visualization and Analytics Consultant, a Tableau Public Ambassador, a Co-leader of #TheSDGVizProject, a Co-leader of the Boston Tableau User Group, a Co-leader of #mentoringmeetup, and general Tableau fanatic who hopes to one day change the world with data. Typically, when a crisis happens, governments request support from the UN and the 40 or so UN agencies respond often in a siloed uncoordinated manner, assessing the impact of the crisis in its issue area and making recommendations based on its particular focus, e.g., environmental issues (UNEP), social protection (UNDP), capacity of the health system (WHO), etc. Each team of early-career scientists over the past few decades has contributed to a plethora of climate related issues, including but not limited to, urban tree recovery, early drought warning in the Midwest, water availability . To view a copy of this licence, visit Definition of the SDG indicator: Indicator 17.3.1 is Additional financial resources mobilized for developing countries from multiple sources in the UN SDG framework. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, A framework to harness effective partnerships for the sustainable development goals,, Special Feature: Synergies and Trade-offs between Sustainable Development Goals and Targets,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tosun J, Leininger J (2017) Governing the interlinkages between the sustainable development goals: approaches to attain policy integration. Routledge, Milton Park, pp 1223, Kindornay S (2019) Progressing national SDG implementation: an independent assessment of the voluntary national review reports submitted to the United Nations high-level political forum in 2018. The SDG14 dashboard consisted of 33 indicators, 4 marine indicators and 29 linkage indicators. Data for this indicator is shown in the first interactive visualization, with the ODA specifically allocated to least-developed countries (LDCs) shown in the second visualization. DPER: Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. Definition of the SDG indicator: Indicator 17.4.1 is debt service as a proportion of exports of goods and services in the UN SDG framework. The governance literature on coordination identifies three dimensions along which engagement can be pursued: across sectors (water, food, energy), across scales (global, national, and subnational) and across actors (IGOs, government, business, academia, and civil society groups) (Breuer et al. Furthermore, only certain steps of the framework need tobe applied, e.g., dispensing with indicator steps 4 and 5 with stakeholders assessing challenges in step 5. Issues like the climate crisis, poverty, and hunger can only be solved through collaboration. Drawing on the governance view of engagement, I define broad-based partnership (BBP) as a voluntary collaboration among multiple stakeholders from different sectors, scales, and stakeholder groups dedicated to implementing in an integrated way a sustainable development goal. Definition of the SDG indicator: Indicator 17.17.1 is the amount in United States dollars committed to public-private partnerships for infrastructure in the UN SDG framework. The aim of the dialogue was to mobilize commitments (Energy Compacts) across the multilateral system in areas such as universal energy access and energy transition. In the face of accelerating global challenges, innovators must employ "design thinking" or expansive ways of thinking to create a more sustainable world. Partnerships for the Goals | SpringerLink Reference work Partnerships for the Goals Home Reference work Editors: Walter Leal Filho, Anabela Marisa Azul, Luciana Brandli, Amanda Lange Salvia, Tony Wall Fosters knowledge to support the development goal to strengthen the global partnership for sustainable development 2020). 3 Stay informed. Much of the research seeks to identify and assess the many interlinkages between SDGs (Nilsson et al. An output-based assessment of non-state climate actions. Deborah Carr, Giacomo Falchetta and Ian Sue Wing, How 3 innovative startups are tackling Latin America's devastating water crisis. 2013; Jnicke 2006). Target 17. Eur Environ 16:290306, Backstrand K, Kuyper JW (2017) The democratic legitimacy of orchestration: UNFCCC, non-state actors, and transnational climate governance. Data on this indicator is shown in the interactive visualization as the weighted mean tariff applied across all products. SDSN (2019) Towards more sustainability in the soy supply chain: How can EU actors support zero deforestation and SDG efforts?
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