Between Foreigners and Shiis: Nineteenth-Century Iran and its Jewish Minority, Daniel Tsadik, page 112, Stanford University Press, 2007. Thus the casualty of famine amongst the Persian Jews was minimal in comparison to Persian gentiles. [citation needed] The Jews of Persia understood that "Zion" is the biblical name of Jerusalem and Zionism demonstrates that end of exile and the beginning of redemption. Saba and her family fled Tehran for Los Angeles in 1978 and they weren't alone. United States Institute of Peace. According to the Hebrew Bible (See Jehoiakim; Ezra; Nehemiah and Jews) more than forty thousand are said to have availed themselves of the privilege, however this is not supported by modern scholarship. It declared that AJII was at war with imperialism in its all forms, including Zionism. Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our DNA kits for ancestry and the world's most comprehensive DNA database. [115] Most Iranian Jews say that they view Iran as their home and are allowed to practice Judaism freely, but there is suspicion and fear too. Most writers for party publications were Jewish. Popularity. Retrieved 30 July 2013. (This has apparently been changed as of February 4, 2015. Cohen describes that Shah believed that there is an international Jewish conspiracy against him to end his reign as the king. This page was last edited on 25 July 2023, at 19:12. 24. [103], About 95% have since migrated, with the immigration accelerating after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, when the population dropped from around 100,000 to about 40,000. At nights in the royal assembly, the chief Mulla (Rabbi) of the kingdom [Mulla-Bashi] would read and interpret for the king, sometimes from the Torah and sometimes from the Psalms, which the king enjoyed greatly. Traditional Persian Names for Boys and Their Meanings Retrieved 23 September 2012. Jewish Persian DNA - Surnames | FamilyTreeDNA Many Iranian Jews trace their lineage back to the beginning of the Persian Empire in 539 B.C., when Cyrus the Great captured Babylon. According to the Bible, the Kingdom of Israel (or Northern Kingdom) was one of the successor states to the older United Monarchy (also called the Kingdom of Israel), which came into existence in about the 930s BC after the northern Tribes of Israel rejected Solomon's son Rehoboam as their king. These changes moved the balance of power in the Jewish community from elders and Rabbis to the youth. Wish or hope. At her high school in the early 1990s, "our teachers were taking Persian language classes in order to understand what the students were saying to each other. The events of the Book of Esther are celebrated on the Jewish holiday Purim. In the wake of Zionist activity, many Persian Jews emigrated to Palestine. [74], Yousef Cohen, the last Jewish representative of the Iranian Senate, describes in his memoirs that Shah became suspicious of the Jewish community in his final years, because most of the international criticism about lack of freedom in Iran and military style of government came from Jewish authors. #IranianJews seem to have blossomed in the US in ways that our great grandparents generation couldn't have dreamed of. [84] Yazdi promised him that no Jew will be executed in Iran because of his/her Zionist beliefs. [37] However Aqa Muhammad Khan's successor, Fath-Ali Shah Qajar did not trust Haji Ebrahim and had him executed. US ambassador Caldwell was also instrumental in helping the Jews of Broujerd. Estimates of the Jewish population in Iran vary. Toggle The Second Temple period subsection, Toggle Safavid and Qajar dynasties (1502 to 1925) subsection, Toggle Pahlavi dynasty (1925 to 1979) subsection, Safavid and Qajar dynasties (1502 to 1925), Jewish community's international relations, After the establishment of the state of Israel, Under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (19411979). Do you want to be traditional and name him after a deceased relative, choose a secular name and a separate religious name, or choose something funky and different altogether? ", In 2010, the Los Angeles City Council officially named the corner of Westwood Boulevard and Wilkins Avenue "Persian Square." Shah, according to Cohen, displayed a remarkable intolerance and annoyance by the Jewish community in his last annual visit in March 1978 with the community leaders. hide caption, Roben Farzad and his mother in their 1978 visa photo. "Israel-Iran trade ties thriving". Baby Names Origins: Persian Baby Names - SheKnows The book of Tobit, which is part of the biblical Apocrypha, suggests that there were people from the tribe of Naphtali living in Rhages (Rey, Iran) and Ecbatana (Hamedan) at the time of the Assyrians (Book of Tobit 6:12). It inspired the establishment of Zionist organizations in Iran like this one, circa 1920. lecturer at California State University, Northridge. The Syrian king, Antiochus Sidetes, marched against the Parthians in company with Hyrcanus I. Professor Lester L Grabbe argues that there was no decree but that there was a policy that allowed exiles to return to their homelands and rebuild their temples. There is even an account that indicates the conversion of a small number of Parthian vassal kings of Adiabene to Judaism. On his trip to United States, a Jewish journalist, Raby Moshfegh Hamadani, was accompanying him and giving advice. 2, 4). About 100 years later, Miran shah destroyed Rashid al-Din's tomb, and his remains were reburied at the Jewish cemetery. [64] In 1915, two Jewish brothers, Mordechai and Asher ben Avaraham, opened the first Jewish newspaper called "Shalom". [83] Three days after the execution, a group of Jews led by Yedidia Shofet went to Qom and met with Ayatollah Khomeini. One week later, Serge Klarsfeld went to Iran and met with Ibrahim Yazdi. Should the owner make the least opposition in defense of his property, he incurs the danger of atoning for it with his life. Later, Hajj Ebrahim's daughter married the new prime minister and formed the influential Qavam family which remained influential in Iran for at least two centuries. These requests were full of descriptions of poverty and persecution faced by Jews in Persia. Anti-Jewish acts were sometimes linked to resentment of European powers. [54], In January 1924, the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported that a mob of Muslims had attacked the Jewish population of Tehran, and injured six Jews, but were prevented from killing anyone by the intervention of the police. Aidin (name) - Wikipedia 1-7 of 7 results Sort by: Jasper: Removed from list. [citation needed], The most prominent anti-Israeli member of the government was Hossein Fatemi. The city of Kashan is known for its carpet-making tradition. Muslim dwellers of the city plundered the whole Jewish quarter, the first to start looting were the soldiers sent by the local governor to defend the Jews against the enraged mob. [26] Dhimmis were also required to submit to a number of social and legal disabilities; they were prohibited from bearing arms, riding horses, testifying in courts in cases involving a Muslim, and frequently required to wear clothes that clearly distinguished them from Muslims. Cowan, Alison Leigh (April 11, 2001). 25 Persian Baby Names For Boys With Remarkable Meanings - Mamas Uncut This is our home. The first exile was in the time of Jehoiachin in 597 BC, when the Temple of Jerusalem was partially despoiled and a number of the leading citizens exiled. The names were taken from four sources: Names of individuals who were born in Iran that are Jewish and are personally known to the author Names found in Farsi Jewish magazines published in the United States: Shofar and Payam. Amnon Netzer believes that this story demonstrates that the Jews were the majority of the population of Isfahan at the time, since this act was likely to enrage the local Zoroastrians.[25]. So we just keep quiet about it Maybe it will work out. Jewish parents name their children for (departed) loved ones, for special events, or choose any Jewish name that they find beautiful.A Jewish baby boy's name is given at his circumcision, and a baby girl's name is traditionally conferred at the Torah . The Irish language female equivalent is Aodhnait. However this relaxation was not perceived positively by the masses and the Shia clergy. With the growing influence of United States in international affairs, many American Jewish organizations such as American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) actively intervened on behalf of Persian Jews. Jews prospered throughout Persia and were even encouraged to settle in Isfahan, which was made a new capital. "'Israeli cherries sold in Iranian markets'". [118] However, Iranian Jews are allowed to visit Israel (Even though Iranian passport holders are legally barred from doing so), often through Turkey, and return back. [10] Lester Grabbe argues that the immigration would probably only have amounted to a trickle over decades, with the archaeological record showing no evidence of large scale increases in population at any time during the Persian period. He was trying to buy pitted dates.". Javion: Removed from list. The British officer William Francklin who visited Shiraz after Karim Khan's death wrote: "The Jews of Shiraz have a quarter of the city allotted to themselves, for which they pay a considerable tax to the government, and are obliged to make frequent presents. Israel continued to exist within the reduced territory as an independent kingdom subject to Assyria until around 725-720 BC, when it was again invaded by Assyria and the rest of the population deported. [44], In the 19th century, there were many instances of forced conversions and massacres, usually inspired by the Shi'a clergy. One of the Ilkhanate rulers, Arghun Khan, even preferred Jews and Christians for administrative positions and appointed Sa'd al-Daula, a Jew, as his vizier. The following is one example of such requests: "Allow us to present our supplications to you. One of the Jews of Isfahan, "Abu Naeem", wrote in the "stories of the news of Isfahan" that Jews rushed to the gates of Isfahan to open the gates for the Arabs. Jahan: Removed from list. Persian boy names include some exotic options that we think hit that elusive "sweet spot": underused but not unknown, interesting but not insane, hip but not too painfully hipster. The Parthians were very protective of the Jewish minority as reflected in old Jewish saying "When you see a Parthian charger chained to a tombstone in the Land of Israel, the hour of the Messiah will be near". Shortly afterwards, the assistant director-general of Iran's Ministry of Agriculture visited Israel secretly and stayed at the Tel Aviv Hilton Hotel. Tudeh party was the only party among the Iranian political parties that accepted Jews with open arms. Thus, Persian rulers, and to an even larger extent, the populace, sought to limit physical contact between Muslims and Jews. He promised, "I will take Russia, I will rebuild Jerusalem and I will gather all the Children of Israel together." Courtesy of Roben Farzad If you like beautiful Persian boy names like Jasper and Cyrus, you might love some of the more unusual . As a Jewish Iranian, I find a deep emotional connection with that cylinder, because it marks the event that liberated Jews from Babylonian slavery on Oct. 29, 539 B.C. [37] Despite the early cooperation between Jews and Qajars, the Jews eventually suffered under their leadership. This was the first time in the history of United States in which a Rabbi was appointed as an Ambassador. Nightline and its host Ted Koppel provided ongoing coverage of the crisis. In c. 732 BC, the Assyrian king, Tiglath-Pileser III sacked Damascus and Israel, annexing Aramea[9] and Transjordan territory of the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh in Gilead including the desert outposts of Jetur, Naphish and Nodab. This lack of a rigidly centralized rule over the empire had its drawbacks, such as the rise of a Jewish bandit-state in Nehardea (see Anilai and Asinai). Should his hand incautiously touch the goods, he must take them at any price the seller chooses to ask for them. 118- 119. A character from the Shahnameh. Boy names Origin: Persian Starts with "J" Clear all. Iran Facing Others: Identity Boundaries in a Historical Perspective, Abbas Amanat, Farzin Vejdani, Palgrave Macmillan, Feb 14, 2012, page 232. 1. Representatives of the Alliance Isralite Universelle recorded numerous instances of persecution and debasement of Persian Jews. Lord Curzon described the regional differences in the situation of the Persian Jews in the 19th century: "In Isfahan, where they are said to be 3,700 and where they occupy a relatively better status than elsewhere in Persia, they are not permitted to wear kolah or Persian headdress, to have shops in the bazaar, to build the walls of their houses as high as a Moslem neighbour's, or to ride in the street. Many Persian Jews were poorer than their European brethren but nevertheless they enthusiastically bought Shekels, contributed to the national funds, and sought to be represented at Zionist Congress held in Europe. The cities of Khuzistan, as well as Kashan, Tabriz, Hamedan, and Sanandaj had a small Aramaic-speaking Jewish community of about 4,000 people. Ends with. Religious, Traditional, Strong Abolfazl Abolfazl is rare in the States. Other estimates puts the Jewish participants in the protests as high as 12,000. Create or manage your name list. At the time, Jews formed close ties with the British and provided banking support and intelligence for them. Some Iranian Jews have found more liberal ways to express their religion, but others have become much more traditional since coming to America. He also annulled an agreement permitting Israeli El Al airplanes to land in Iran. 23. [67], In order to fight the growing racial antisemitism among the Iranian population, many Jews joined the Tudeh party and advocated for communism. This list may not reflect recent changes . There is a wide range of traditional Persian names with beautiful meanings. [35], The Zand dynasty had a more complex relationship with the Jewish community. Search baby names. [79], The most important Jewish supporters of the revolution were in "Association of Jewish Iranian Intellectuals" (Jameye-roshanfekran-e-yahudi or AJII). What are some traditional Persian names for boys? If a Jew enters a shop for anything, he is forbidden to inspect the goods. Fatemi closed the office of the Jewish Agency on Israel's independence day in 1953. Furthermore, even though Reza Shah was sympathetic to the Jews in the beginning, he became distrustful of Jewish movements with the growth of Zionism. It was ready for consecration in the spring of 515 BC, more than twenty years after the Jews' return from exile. After Arghun's death in 1291, Sa'd al-Daula was murdered and Persian Jews suffered a period of violent clergy-instigated persecutions from the Muslim populace. Even though Jews comprised less than 2 percent of Iranian population, almost fifty percent of the members of the Tudeh party were Jewish. Roben takes pride in the fact that his son, whose father and grandparents fled persecution abroad, is now taught by the great-great-great granddaughter of an escaped slave. Twelve Jews, who tried to defend their property, were killed, and many others were injured.[49]. The cultural transition wasn't easy. However, in 1318 he was executed on fake charges of poisoning ljeit; for several days, crowds carried his head around his native city of Tabriz, chanting "This is the head of the Jew who abused the name of God; may God's curse be upon him!" Saba Soomekh, author of From the Shahs to Los Angeles: Three Generations of Iranian Jewish Women Between Religion and Culture, was born in pre-revolutionary Iran, where her father would recite songs to her from Persian poets like Rumi and Hafez. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles needing additional references from November 2022, All articles needing additional references, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, Holy Light/born of fire/the fiery one/Bright/intelligent/help, This page was last edited on 24 July 2023, at 14:27. He was tried by an Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal, sentenced to death, and executed on May 8,[80][81] one of 17 Iranian Jews executed as spies since the revolution. [31], The reign of Shah Abbas I (15881629) was initially benign. In 1860, Jews of Hamedan were accused of mocking the Ta'zieh ceremonies for Imam Husain, several of them were fined and some had their ears and noses cut off as punishment. In 1839, the Allahdad occurred, many Jews were massacred in Mashhad and survivors were forcibly converted. His friendship with Shmuel gained many advantages for the Jewish community. For the next 400 years, Jewish musicians performed at various life cycle ceremonies throughout Iran. People started beating the Jew. Jews trace their heritage in Iran to the Babylonian captivity of the 6th century BC and have retained their ethnic, linguistic, and religious identity. "[50], One European traveler in 1880 wrote: "Hatred [harboured by the gentiles of Kermanshah] toward the Jews is not as overdone as in central Persia". "13 ships owned by Israel's Ofer Brothers have docked in Iran over past decade". [78], Dr. Sapir Hospital, Tehran's only Jewish hospital, was instrumental in helping the wounded revolutionaries. AJII's charter was very close to the ideals of the revolution. Klarsfeld left Iran after a few days of investigation and made a documentary in which he iterated that the Iranian government has executed Elghanian because of his Jewishness. The Armenian prince Sanatroces, of the royal house of the Arsacides, is mentioned in the "Small Chronicle" as one of the successors (diadochoi) of Alexander. Roben Farzad and his family fled Iran for America at the end of 1978. In 1968, only 30 percent of Muslims were literate, whereas this figure was more than 80 percent for the Jews.[101]. [24], At the time of Islamic conquest of Persia, Jews were heavily under the pressure of the Sassanid rulers. [99] By 1884, this figure had risen to 5,571. Not long after, the Partho-Babylonian country was invaded by a Jewish army. A Dutch traveller to Shiraz at the time of Karim Khan states: "Like most of the cities of the east, the Jews of Shiraz dwell in a separate quarter of their own, and they live, at least outwardly, in great poverty."[36].
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