Trust in your own experience. Religious trauma syndrome (RTS) occurs when an individual struggles with leaving a religion or a set of beliefs that has led to their indoctrination. [7][8], Leaving a controlling religious community, while often experienced as liberating and exciting, can be experienced as a major traumatic event. Betrayal trauma theory also acknowledges the power of shattered assumptions to cause trauma. November 13, 2018. I think by having a greater self awareness, looking inward. Non-duality is an eastern philosophical and spiritual teaching that suggests that everything is ultimately One, and that dualities such as self/other, light/dark, subject/object, are ultimately constructs of the mind. Islam has had a history of traumas as well as perpetrating trauma on other Muslims. Many displaced Muslims come from communities that rely on religious practices to cope with traumatic experiences, and religious coping has been identified as predictive of posttraumatic growth (PTG). Thank you for respecting the healing journeys of others. So take heed and proceed slowly and mindfully. Women, you might be afraid that your body is bad and others should not look at you, think youre beautiful, and it is your responsibility to make sure that doesnt happen. However, there is relatively little research on the inversion of this dynamic, the way that trauma changes a person ' s religious beliefs. Proceed with caution. peer support groups,[45] and online Herman, Judith. Marlene Winell is the psychologist that coined the term religious trauma syndrome and she wrote a guidebook for leaving an authoritarian religion called Leaving the Fold. In medicine, "trauma-informed" care is defined as practices that promote a culture of safety, empowerment, and healing.[42]. Often inter-faith dialogues on controversial topics fail to address the elephant in the room. (i) Journaling - simple but powerful. Religious trauma is pervasive and more widespread than I believe most people are aware of. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. The Mennonite or Anabaptist religion experienced trauma during their persecution in the 16th and 17th centuries for their belief in re-baptizing people as adults. In spirituality, there are no hard and fast rules or rituals for how to worship, but rather an acceptance of divinity, mystery, and the unknown. You attack, dismiss, or alienate others who do not believe the same way you do. (RNS) Raised by evangelical Christian missionaries, Kara Erickson struggled for years with anxiety, depression and eating disorders that two decades ago . How sincerely devoid of empathy one must be that when a person talks about their religious trauma from Islam, their first reaction is to defend the religion instead? And I want to share that with you now: Undergoing religious trauma can be a lonely and isolating experience. (ii) Mindfulness and self-compassion. I did not want to expose him to a setting where he is will be manipulate, from how he should give in monetary value and his time. ', "The sad, twisted truth about conservative Christianity's effect on the mind", "Dejar la religin se parece a dejar las drogas", "Religious Trauma: What No One Tells You at Church", "Interesting Developments in the ex-Jehovah's Witness Community VirusHead", "Losing my religion: facing the trauma of leaving a faith", "Can Religion Give You PTSD? The panel directly challenged many of the trends happening right now in American society. Religious Trauma caused by Islam - Raw Confessions For spiritual rebels and outsiders, our mission is to help you dissolve the shadows that obscure your inner Light and find peace, love, and happiness. I am not a mental health professional by any means. developing interpersonal skills such as perspective-taking. A family cuts off their child when the child leaves the religion. With RTS, individuals are not only experiencing betrayal from family, religious community, and trusted faith leaders, they are also experiencing a shattered faith. The dangers facing apostates are real and know no borders, but there are a growing number of organizations looking to help. Pogroms in Europe led to the Hasidic movement with its emphasis on accessibility, joy and celebration. Amina Ahmed 's interaction with Muslim women scholars started when she met Shaykha Leasha Prime at an NYU "Umrah" a smaller pilgrimage to Mecca trip in 2019. Are you a spiritual rebel or outsider? "[20] Journalist Janet Heimlich,[27] in her research on child maltreatment in religious communities, identified the most damaging groups as having a Bible belief system that creates an authoritarian, isolative, threat-based model of reality. Beaten, hit, made to do painful punishments, or threatened with physical violence for religious reasons (not praying, committing a "sin," etc). Have you been abused because of / under the pretext of Islam? It is primarily concerned with believing in, following, and obeying the rules created by a certain Deity or spiritual teacher. (I'm not entirely sure if this is the right sub for this type of post either but you all seem really nice and understanding.) Religious trauma and Islam : r/exmuslim - Reddit To recognize RTS, it is not necessary to say that all religion and spirituality is harmful. Religious trauma is a phenomenon where religious or spiritual practices cause psychological trauma, or are part of other instances of abuse. Cult documentary titles : 1. A woman is shamed for dressing a certain way and told that shes sinning against God for displaying her body. Religious Trauma: 23 Dark Signs & How to Heal - LonerWolf As symptoms of religious trauma syndrome, psychologists have recognized dysfunctions that vary in number and severity from person to person. Religion and Suicide Risk: a systematic review - PMC In this regard, Dr. Gianotti spoke of not tethering religion so closely to doctrine in cases of trauma. Aside from trauma, guilt and shame can also be accompanying factors to women's journeys with Islam. Religious Trauma caused by Islam Posted Dec 28, 2020 21:36 by anonymous 55 views | 0 comments Follow I left islam and ever since I have been completely outcasted and demonized by everyone I meet. Religious practices in trauma coping. This list is not exhaustive and again, is through my lens of western Christianity, although religious abuse and its impacts are not limited to Christianity. What about specific examples of religious abuse? [13] These symptoms are also true for many experiencing religious trauma. When Religion Leads to Trauma Some churches "weaponize scripture and religion to do very deep damage on the psyche," one pastor says. Gaslit (made to feel that you were crazy; learn more here). Not taught sex education and how to care for your body. [Read More]. Religion serves a valuable function in society by emphasizing social connectedness, support, values, and higher ideals. [2] Betrayal trauma adds a fourth assumption ("people are trustworthy and worth relating to") to Janoff-Bulman's original three: (the overall benevolence of the world, the meaningfulness of the world, and self worth). Traumatized by Religious Abuse: Courage, Hope, and Freedom for Survivors by Connie Baker. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion. By Dr. Marlene Winelle, PhD, Counseling Yoga & Mindfulness Clinical Supervision Business Coaching Wellness Retreats. (vi) Internal family systems - or working with your inner parts. Denied essential education due to religion (removed from school, girls not being allowed to study, being forced to do hifz instead of real school, not learning science and history, etc). Traumatologist Pete Walker sees attachment disorder as one of the key symptoms of Complex PTSD. There was a new focus on peacemaker teams like those part of theCenter for Justice and Peacebuilding. RTS occurs in response to two-fold trauma: first the prolonged abuse of indoctrination by a controlling religious community, and second the act of leaving the controlling religious community. A child is raped and the parents and religious authorities dont believe his or her word, pretending it didnt happen. I wish I could have been there to support my little sister and meet my third sister who was born a few years after I left. A woman who feels uncomfortable praying five times a day because of being abused by an imam, needs to be able to see her therapy as a form of prayer. Dr. Gianotti is the founder of the Islamic Institute for Spiritual Formation in Toronto, and author of Al-GhazalisUnspeakable Doctrine of the Soul. During this time, Judaisms response was to replace priests with rabbis and the temple with synagogues so that religious rituals could be performed in many places in the community. and internet sources of news. Dr. Stauffer focused on the intersection of trauma and religion, especially seeing trauma as a moral injury. The Veterans Administration coined this term in 2009 to describe veterans with PTSD who were trying to assimilate back into society. Have you been abused because of / under the pretext of Islam? Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are examples here. Additionally, this website specializes in the impact of religious abuse on death and grief. Other sponsors of the Faith and Trauma Panel: Schools:Catholic Theological Union, Chicago Theological Seminary, and the Lutheran School of Theology, Interfaith Organizations:The Council for a Parliament of the Worlds Religions, Niagara Foundation, and the Ecumenical & Inter-religious Relations of theEvangelical Lutheran Church in America, Religious Congregations:Emanuel Congregation, Chicago Community Mennonite Church, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. More than half of us describe ourselves as "religious" and worship regularly in churches, temples, and mosques, mostly churches. There are three different types of trauma material, symbolic, and identity-based. I was taught that the CoC was the one true church, that those who belonged to it were special and chosen, and that all other beliefs (including other Christian denominations) and belief systems were false and that those believing in them would end up burning in hell for all eternity. How Muslim Women Are Reconciling Gender Justice And Islam Difficulty maintaining friendships, relationships, etc. Abuse and trauma can happen to you even if you are adult. Furthermore, the self that we take ourselves to be the I is actually an illusion based on a misunderstanding of who we truly are at a fundamental level. Islamic Trauma Healing is a six-session, lay-led group intervention developed within a Somali Muslim community that integrates evidence-based trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy principles with cultural and religious practices aimed to enhance uptake and create an easily up-scalable intervention for a wide range of trauma. She found that the overall measure of psychological distress was significantly higher amongst the leavers when compared to the general population. Islamophobia, often promoted by Christian groups, declares Islam is a religion of violence and terrorism creating trauma for American Muslims who bear the brunt of this bias. I may be wrong and can't diagnose anyone. [60][61] Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. Religious communities often serve as the foundation for individuals' lives, providing social support, a coherent worldview, a sense of meaning and purpose, and social and emotional satisfaction. And be sure to share this article with anyone who you feel might benefit. Going through religious trauma is what led to my own Dark Night of the Soul and subsequent spiritual awakening and if youre going through this experience, you might be called to the same path as well. Islamic Trauma Healing: Integrating Faith and - ScienceDirect All three Abrahamic religions have a history of both traumatizing other communities as well as bringing their unique spiritual resources and experiences to bear on assuaging these moral injuries for victims of trauma. Religious trauma is underrepresented and isnt as explored or covered as Id hope it to be hence the need for this article. But at the same time, your inner child also carries so much unprocessed pain. Like all iterations of trauma, the development of RTS is informed by PTSD, defined in DSM V as a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, child abuse, or other threats on a person's life. forums. Banned from accessing the media you wanted to (internet, books, movies, etc). Using religious beliefs to control your behavior, including what you wear, who you date, what job you have, how you parent, and how you manage your finances. [2] The potential extremity of feelings in relation to losing one's worldview while also losing emotional and social support to get through any given crisis can cause further trauma. This drive toward self-harm and suicidal-ideation began as a teenager and continued until a little after I left the religion, but thankfully it never resulted in anything serious. How to get rid of religious trauma : progressive_islam - Reddit But today there are still conflicts and ongoing discussions within the Jewish community concerning the traumatizing of the Palestinians as part of the creation of the nation-state of Israel. Just like in The Truman Show, my whole understanding of reality began to collapse and crumble beneath me. The difference between ex-muslims and muslims is that ex-muslims decided to actually question the set of rules that was policing their entire life called islam.If anything, ex-muslims have a better understanding of islam than most muslims. One practice that helped me to keep some semblance of sanity during the darker parts of my religious journey was journaling. There is an increase in Christian Right dominated politicians who recommend budgets in Congress that cut food stamps, Medicaid, and healthcare for the most vulnerable of U.S. citizens. And unlike religious teachings that divide the world into us/them good/evil and so on, non-duality encourages a non-judgmental approach to life in which we see the underlying unity and Oneness beneath all beings. , The perspectival evolution of Islamophobia through recent generations, 7 Chicago Firefighters Injured While Battling Roseland Fire, Security Guards Stops Attempted Robbery At Canada Goose Store In Gold, 4-Year-Old Nia Found Alone In Austin Neighborhood; Police Searching For Family, Refugees with Disabilities Struggle to Join the Workforce, Same God: A Commentary on the Intersection of Islam and Christianity, #MosqueMeToo Goes Viral, Breaks Silence on Sexual Assault During Muslim Holy, Unmosque-ing the Stigma Behind Disabilities in the Muslim Community, In the Moement: Cannabis Dispensary Licenses, the Tobacco Business & What, Iftar con arroz y frijoles: Latinos Embracing Islam in the Age, Chicago Filmmaker Traces Parents Immigrant Roots in Upcoming Documentary, 7 Must-See Films at Chicago International Film Festival, Breaking the Silence: Addressing Workplace Discrimination, Florida Man Randy Fine Demands Israel Blow Up Innocent Palestinian Civilians, On the Widespread Inaccessibility of Mosques, How Chicago TV journalists are broadcasting live from home during coronavirus:, Crimson Contagion 2019 Simulation Warned of Pandemic Implications in US, Palestine Advocacy Group Billboards Remind Americans Taxes Fund Occupation, Muslim & Japanese American Youth Engage History of Japanese Internment, Boeing Faces Increased Opposition on Weapons Sales to Israel, Islamic Medical Relief Missions to Sudan, Jordan, and Haiti Focus on the Forgotten. I can see the value in this belief system, and I respect and admire figures such as Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Virgin Mary (who I still feel an affinity with). [49][50][51][52] So, I convinced my boyfriend to marry me secretly, and consummate the marriage, so I couldnt go into the work. There are pro-Israel American Jewish groups that support both the rejection of a Palestinian state by Netanyahu and a military occupation that violates Palestinian human rights. What has your experience with religious trauma been like? Reading the Bible three times over didnt solve any of my problems either it made the situation worse. And while I am a victim, I refuse to stay as one. Being raised by parents with religious trauma. Another thing that bugs me is God as a moral standard. The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Chicago Monitors editorial policy. PMID: 30862254 DOI: 10.1177/1524838019834076 Abstract Introduction: Empirical research has shown that religious beliefs support people recovering from traumatic experiences. Being shamed, criticized, or ridiculed for your religious beliefs or practices. No matter what degree of awakening weve experienced, we always need to be mindful of our shadows because the reality is that we are both human (aka., imperfect) and divine. It often involves the trauma of breaking away from a controlling environment, lifestyle, or religious figure. Finally, it can really help to reach out to someone you trust (a close friend, parent, teacher or school counselor) and talk through the worries you have. There was deep uncertainty and anxiety over whether this was the end of Jewish civilization. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello Loner Wolf community, Im not open to sharing my story in public, but I suggest looking up some documentaries on cults, if you want to explore how the cult process works. [39][40] From this "trauma-informed" perspective, it is important to recognize individual differences and locate the actual trauma in the nervous system of the individual. My goal with writing this is to provide education on the signs of religious trauma, how it can affect those experiencing it, and provide resources for those looking for support on this topic. However, there are some religious systems, beliefs, and rules enforced by religious leaders, communities, parents, mentors, etc. Medical research in the area of stress and traumatic events reveals evidence of resulting disease and mental illness. ABSTRACT. Rabbi Goldstein emphasized that conflicts cannot be avoided in some effort to be too nice. Being respectful is important, but niceness cannot be the goal. Faith and Trauma: Abrahamic Religions as Victims and Perpetrators This post may contain affiliate links. If youd like to explore shadow work, I recommend checking out our highly rated Shadow Work Journal. He is also a member of the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative and has a Masters Degree in Islamic Studies with a focus on Muslim American social justice groups. While the experience of losing your religion is often painful and confusing at first, there is much to be learned and ultimately a profound maturity to be gained. The Way Down (Perhaps look up Cult documentaries online, for other options as well. Those who experienced religious abuse may have a hard time reconciling this idea that a space where they may have felt community, connection with a higher power, could also be harming them. Rabbi Goldstein emphasized the debate going on in the Jewish community about the actions of the Israeli government toward the Palestinians. I didnt think my narrative of the abused I experienced in church or in a religious setting was valid, well now that I have read this article I feel safe. Our names are Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol and were spiritual educators currently living in Perth, Western Australia. (v) Mindful shadow work. While we can get an idea of what extreme religious trauma looks like, it's much harder to find discussion surrounding it's quieter . Mental health professionals, life coaches, and individuals practicing pastoral care have been developing approaches to treating RTS. Dr. Gianotti ended the session saying the Quran calls us to be witness bearers both to an unjust state and to the evil within ourselves. At some point I was battling loneliness and having to raise my toddler, one of the Pastor suggested that I should avail myself and hopefully I will meet my husband. (Authors note: Much of my experience is with western religions and primarily Christianity. [16] Betrayal trauma theory acknowledges that victims unconsciously keep themselves from becoming aware of betrayal in order to keep from shattering that fourth basic assumption, the loss of which would be traumatic.[16]. At the center of our being is a wise and compassionate inner force known as the Self (capital s), which I love because its a form of therapy that welcomes the spiritual into the picture alongside psychological elements. that may lead to abuse and trauma. [64] Rather than deciding whether religion in general is toxic or healthy, a more productive pursuit would be to study the mechanisms that cause damage. The panelists ability to speak plainly about past issues as well as ongoing crises was remarkable. [1], Members of the LGBTQIA+ community are at particular risk of RTS and C-PTSD as they attempt, over an extended period of time, to alter their sexual orientation and gender identity to fit the expectations of authoritarian religious communities. We spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours every month writing, editing, and managing this website you can find out more in our support page. Religious Trauma Syndrome: How some organized religion leads to mental Im not going to give you some kind of gimmicky 7-steps-to-healing shit because thats not how it works. The signs of religious trauma and abuse are really hard to spot. It is the most comprehensive and up-to-date website devoted to providing religious and faith based resources for the LGBTQ community. Most likely, youll need to self-diagnose as this term isnt listed in the DSM-5 (which is not saying that listing it as a mental disorder is actually always that helpful). Rabbi Goldstein is the founder of the New Shul in Manhattan, NYC and author of nine books on Judaism and contemporary spirituality. girls forced to cover themselves in front of grown men). The Quran says that only light can dispel darkness, peace dispels violence, and love dispels fear. It has information that is helpful for survivors and clinicians working with those have experienced religious abuse. We conducted a systematic review of the literature with the goal of identifying what specific dimensions of religiosity are associated with specific aspects of suicide. To date, most research on religious trauma has been qualitative research with an individualistic, experiential focus. The important element is the perception of life-threatening danger. You feel unable to or uncomfortable with saying no to others. In other words, religious trauma can slowly build through a persons faith journey or it can occur as a sudden shock such as through a public display of humiliation, sexual abuse, or another unexpected painful incident. A word of warning : Cult documentaries are very insightful, but can also be very triggering due to the context of possible extreme abuse, so do so only if youre ready, at your own pace, and with breaks in between if you prefer. Deck 1: Why Does God Ask People to Worship Him? Comment below! The symptoms of CPTSD include those of PTSD plus lack of emotional regulation, disassociation, negative self-perception, relationship issues, loss of meaning comparable to RTS.
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