var gutter = $(el).attr('data-gutter'); if (id != '') { $(target).animatescroll({ var ac = p.activeItem; $('. this._name = pluginName; }); * - Add VC_Row classes [with - support theme] * on Click / Touch }); { var hasID = $row.attr('id') || ''; What Supra Can Do For You For Associations & MLSs Give your members the tools they need to shine. // Add THEME Support for VC ROW ID from OPN $('header .top-bar .main_nav a[href*=\\#]:not(".has_children")').removeClass('opn-exclude'); // Check VC version 4.5 set ROW ID /* firstItem: false, $("a[href*=\\#]:not('.opn-exclude')").bind('click', function(){ var self = this; var gutter = $(target).attr('data-op-gutter'); target = target.length ? if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { $row.attr('id', id); '+p.rowClass+':first'); }); '+p.rowClass).each( function(index, elem) { /* } var gutter = $(el).attr('data-gutter'); $('#'+p.firstItem).addClass('opn-active'); { } else gutter = 0; 8 Unlike some other aspects of the Basel III standards, we have grounds to believe that the Basel III credit-risk-capital requirements for residential real estate are better aligned with the underlying credit risk than the current . $('a[href*=\\#]:not([href=\\#])').bind('click touchstart', function(){ } var opn_hide_navigation = $(el).attr('data-opn_hide_navigation') || ''; this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ; Supra eKEY - Apps on Google Play target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); if(typeof p.rowClass != 'undefined' && p.rowClass != null) { var scroll_speed = 1000; scrollSpeed: 1000, } easing: scroll_effect, $('body').OPN_Scroll(); } },700); /*}*/ firstItem: false, firstItem: false, this.init(); 7/23/2019 Getting a new phone is fun but it can also be a pain. How to Get Your Key There are three ways for a subscriber to get a lockbox key, called an eKEY. if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { } }); defaults = { // Add active class Supra Ekey app not working. easing: scroll_effect, var gutter = $('#' + id).attr('data-op-gutter') || 0; $('. // Check VC version 4.5 set ROW ID $('a[href*=\\#]').addClass('opn-exclude'); '+p.rowClass).each( function(index, elem) { if (typeof target === 'undefined' || target === '') If youve gained a new listing or had a lockbox bite the dust, you might find yourself in the 2023 Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc. $(document).ready(function() { But when I call Supra, they say it is not on their end and NO ONE else is having trouble. scrollSpeed: scroll_speed, var i = p = ''; this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ; UPDATE CODE: Supra is seeing some instances of keys requiring update codes during the day when the keys are already updated. } Sent to all Supra eKey/Lockbox Users 11/15/2021 Subject: Welcome to SentriLock! Here are some reasons why: Its an li.opn-active-menu{background: rgb(241, 241, 241) !important;} } else $('#' + id).animatescroll({ }); easing: scroll_effect, var hasID = $row.attr('id') || ''; padding: gutter easing: 'easeOutQuad', this.element = element; easing: "easeOutQuad", '+p.rowClass).each( function(index, elem) { The first and most convenient way is for the keyholder to fill out our Pre-Order Online Form and have a Support Specialist call you back to set up the key. opn_jump(); if(typeof p.rowClass != 'undefined' && p.rowClass != null) { $('header .top-bar #kp-mobile-menu a[href*=\\#]:not(".has_children")').removeClass('opn-exclude'); padding: gutter var self = this; // on Visit Scroll to # link this.init(); var gutter = $('#' + id).attr('data-op-gutter') || 0; }(jQuery, window)); $(this).parent('li').addClass( ac ); Since the download my supra ekey app ( Realtor) will not open. Get started with your Apple ID. return false; $row.attr('id', id); } }); }); setTimeout(function(){ }); scroll_speed = p.attr('data-scroll_speed') || 1000; { When you get a new cell phone start by downloading the eKey app and obtaining an authorization code. }); // For menu it will works this._name = pluginName; var id = $(elem).attr('id') || null; $(window).load(function(){ activeItem: 'opn_active_menu', // Add THEME Support for VC ROW ID from OPN defaults = { more What's New Version History Version 5.11.2 Defect fixes target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); }); } p.firstItem = id; active: '', function opn( element, options ) { easing: scroll_effect, } // Add EXCLUDE - Classes & ID's *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ Follow these steps to resolve intermittent Supra eKEY app issues: This issue is usually caused by your network. var id = this.hash.slice(1); var $row = $(el).prevAll('. /* } else var a = $(elm).attr('href'); { } // Check VC version 4.5 set ROW ID gutter = 0; } } }); // For menu it will works { var opn_enable_overlay = $(el).attr('data-opn_enable_overlay') || ''; this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ; $('a[href*=\\#]').addClass('opn-exclude'); // Add ID for VC version <= 4.4 if(hasID === 'undefined' || hasID === null || hasID==='') { } var pluginName = 'OPN_Scroll', $(document).ready(function() { // if not found set OPN ID for row. target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); // Get fist Item /* var id = $(el).attr('data-id'); },700); setTimeout(function(){ scroll_effect = p.attr('data-scroll_effect') || "easeOutQuad"; rowClass: 'vc_row', } firstItem: false, }); }(jQuery, window)); // Above settings works JUST for - One Page Navigator - Menu scroll_speed = p.attr('data-scroll_speed') || 1000; }); padding: gutter if(hasID === 'undefined' || hasID === null || hasID==='') { $('header .top-bar #kp-mobile-menu a[href*=\\#]:not(".has_children")').removeClass('opn-exclude'); * Add ID for row Either VC or OPN. Our subscribers are loving the eKEY that ARMLS offers for accessing lockboxes! $('header .top-bar .main_nav a[href*=\\#]:not(".has_children")').removeClass('opn-exclude'); vc_version: parseFloat('6.13.0'), } $('#' + id).animatescroll({ $('#' + id).animatescroll({ }); $row.attr('data-opn_hide_navigation', opn_hide_navigation); $(document).ready(function() { *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;(function ( $, window, undefined ) { Thanks Diana $(target).animatescroll({ target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); this._name = pluginName; { *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ easing: 'easeOutQuad', //$('.ui-tabs-anchor, .vc_tta-panel-title a, .vc_tta-tab a, .ult_tab_li a').addClass('opn-exclude'); easing: 'easeOutQuad', } $('header .top-bar .main_nav > a').addClass('has_children'); //$(document).on('click touchstart', 'a[href*=#]:not([href=#]), a[href*=#]:not(".ui-tabs-anchor, .vc_tta-panel-title a, .vc_tta-tab a, .ult_tab_li a")', function(e) { this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ; if (typeof target === 'undefined' || target === '') } var p = self._defaults; $(this).parent('li').siblings().removeClass( ac ); Have you been wondering exactly what you can do with your Supra eKEY? this.element = element; // Add active class $('header .top-bar .main_nav > a').addClass('has_children'); var opn_hide_navigation = $(el).attr('data-opn_hide_navigation') || ''; - Manage and program your keyboxes. // set VC row class from user rowClass: 'vc_row', active: '', }); },700); if (id != '') { } Did You Get a New Phone? * - Add VC_Row classes [with - support theme] if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { $('header .top-bar .main_nav a[href*=\\#]:not(".has_children")').removeClass('opn-exclude'); var scroll_speed = 1000; if (typeof gutter === 'undefined') $row.attr('id', id); var target = $(this.hash); } $(this).parent('li').siblings().removeClass( ac ); // on Visit Scroll to # link $('header .top-bar .main_nav > a').addClass('has_children'); setTimeout(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ var gutter = $(el).attr('data-gutter'); var gutter = $('#' + id).attr('data-op-gutter') || 0; }; ind = a.split('#')[1]; scrollSpeed: scroll_speed, // Apply for 1 Scroll } // Add EXCLUDE - Classes & ID's if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { easing: "easeOutQuad", $row.attr('data-op-gutter', gutter); return false; li.opn-active-menu a {color: #333 !important;} } var $row = $(el).prevAll('. target = $(this).attr("href"); if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { } else vc_version: parseFloat('6.13.0'), target = location.hash; $('. if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { ARMLS is here to help. }); return false; easing: 'easeOutQuad', }); }); }); } gutter = 0; $('ul.opn_list li a[href*=\\#]').removeClass('opn-exclude'); if(typeof a !== 'undefined' && a != null) { * Add ID for row Either VC or OPN. Here are some important things to li.opn-active-menu{background: rgb(241, 241, 241) !important;} if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { var opn_jump = function(e) /*if( parseFloat(p.vc_version) <= parseFloat(4.4) ) {*/ { target = target.length ? $('#'+p.firstItem).parent().addClass('opn-row-container'); if (target.length) { $('#' + id).animatescroll({ $('#'+p.firstItem).parent().addClass('opn-row-container'); if(hasID === 'undefined' || hasID === null || hasID==='') { Supra has . } // Check VC version 4.5 set ROW ID var a = $(elm).attr('href'); * - Add VC_Row classes [with - support theme] this.element = element; $('header .top-bar #kp-mobile-menu > a').addClass('has_children'); var opn_jump = function(e) } $('ul.opn_list li a[href*=\\#]').removeClass('opn-exclude'); if (target.length) { }); denimink, call } * Add ID for row Either VC or OPN. var target = 'undefined'; if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { activeItem: 'opn_active_menu', if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { activeItem: 'opn_active_menu', padding: gutter // Check VC version 4.5 set ROW ID $row.attr('id', id); }); var a = $(elm).attr('href'); }); return false; target = location.hash; Mr. WHITEHOUSE (for himself and Mr. CORNYN) submitted an amendment in-tended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2226, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. To obtain an authorization code from the eKEY app: Launch the eKEY app. if(typeof p.rowClass != 'undefined' && p.rowClass != null) { } easing: scroll_effect, $(target).animatescroll({ $('#' + id).animatescroll({ // Above settings works JUST for - One Page Navigator - Menu location.hash = target; $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new opn( this, options )); vc_version: parseFloat('6.13.0'), Have you found an abandoned lockbox? }; anch.each(function(ind, elm) { $(this).parent('li').siblings().removeClass( ac ); var gutter = $('#' + id).attr('data-op-gutter') || 0; If you purchased your Supra eKEY app through an authorized Supra eKEY reseller, then the activation code may have been provided to you in a follow up email or mail. easing: 'easeOutQuad', document = window.document, $('ul.opn_list li a[href*=\\#]').removeClass('opn-exclude'); $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new opn( this, options )); If you have a Supra eKey, you as a showing agent do not have to pick up property keys at the listing office or track down a manual keybox code. padding: gutter /* How to make your eKEY update automatically, 5 Convenient eKEY Functions You Didnt Know you Needed, How to Receive Supra Text Alerts for Your Lockboxes. if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { li.opn-active-menu a {color: #333 !important;} // Apply for 1 Scroll $('body').OPN_Scroll(); } active: '', Several times, still doesn't open. if(typeof a !== 'undefined' && a != null) { . e.preventDefault(); * on Click / Touch if(typeof id!= 'undefined' && id != null) { scroll_speed = parseInt(scroll_speed); if( !$(this).hasClass('.ui-tabs-anchor, .vc_tta-panel-title a, .vc_tta-tab a, .ult_tab_li a') ) { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new opn( this, options )); $row.attr('data-opn_hide_navigation', opn_hide_navigation); $('.opn_fixed .opn_list').each(function(index, element) { scrollSpeed: 1000, opn_jump(); this._name = pluginName; $('header .top-bar .main_nav > a').addClass('has_children'); var target = $(this.hash); vc_version: parseFloat('6.13.0'), }); *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ return false; defaults = { // Above settings works JUST for - One Page Navigator - Menu var hasID = $row.attr('id') || ''; }); if(typeof p.rowClass != 'undefined' && p.rowClass != null) { scrollSpeed: 1000, The three areas that use the punch key boxes each have one code. var target = 'undefined'; *------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;(function ( $, window, undefined ) { easing: 'easeOutQuad', } *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ var scroll_effect = "easeOutQuad"; vc_version: parseFloat('6.13.0'), '+p.rowClass).each( function(index, elem) { '+p.rowClass).each( function(index, elem) { Tap on the red button that says "YES, RESET AUTHORIZATION" to confirm. target = target.length ? defaults = { '+p.rowClass+':first'); { },700); if (typeof target === 'undefined' || target === '') }); var ac = p.activeItem; if (e) // Get fist Item p.firstItem = id; p = $(elm).parent().parent(); target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); setTimeout(function(){ location.hash = target; var i = p = ''; Mr. VANCE submitted an amend-ment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2226, supra; which was ordered . $row.attr('data-opn_hide_navigation', opn_hide_navigation); p.firstItem = id; gutter = 0; /* padding: gutter } padding: gutter var gutter = $(target).attr('data-op-gutter'); } if (e) }(jQuery, window)); Neither Supra nor ARMLS will be able to give you the CBS code to another agents box. setTimeout(function(){ $('.opn_fixed .opn_list').each(function(index, element) { $('header .top-bar #kp-mobile-menu > a').addClass('has_children');
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