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Here is some more information: https://traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/f072_DivMercy.htm, https://novusordowatch.org/wp-content/uploads/divine-mercy.pdf. May God Bless you all! R. Challoner) pdf, text, epub, kindle format, Lives of the Irish Martyrs and Confessors (M. OReilly) pdf, epub, kindle format, Memorials of Those Who Suffered for the Catholic Faith in Ireland (M. OReilly) pdf, Apologia Pro Vita Sua (Bl. A. J. OReilly) pdf, The Great Thousand Years (R. A. Cram) pdf, text, kindle format, The Sufferings of the Church in Brittany During the Great Revolution (E. H. Thompson) pdf, Was Savonarola Really Excommunicated? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8YtYYJyfmXkdG1QVHFyVnVHcEE?usp=sharing, Google drive 10 J. J. Wynne) pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Canadian Martyrs (Fr. Thank you for your prayers and comment, much appreciated. mwidunn1 I. Villar) pdf: volume I, volume II, volume III, Gospel Meditations (Fr. J. 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