Make multiple copies for classroom use (not to exceed one copy per student in a course) from the following: A complete poem, if it has fewer than 250 words and does not exceed two printed pages in length, A complete article, story or essay of less than 2,500 words, Prose excerpts not to exceed 10 percent of whole or 1,000 words, whichever is less, One chart, graph, diagram, cartoon or picture per book or per issue of a periodical, An excerpt from a children's book containing up to 10 percent of the words found in the text, Copy more than one work or two excerpts from a single author during one class term, Copy more than three works from a collective work or periodical volume during one class term, Copy more than nine sets of multiple copies for distribution to students in one class term, Copy to create or replace or substitute for anthologies or collective works, Copy "consumable" works, such as workbooks, exercises, standardized tests and answer sheets, Copy the same material for more than one particular course being offered (may not copy every time a particular course is offered) unless permission is obtained from the copyright owner. Gloves and repellent gowns, aprons or jackets are required for tasks in which exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials can be reasonably anticipated to contaminate street clothing. TCS mailing and postage may be used for school district business only. Professional certificates and other documents required by state and federal laws and regulations; Information contained in personnel records shall be limited to job-related matters. The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession indicates the aspiration of all educators and provides standards by which to judge conduct. Fund-raising must not interfere with or disrupt school. Staff members should emphasize to students the importance of promptly depositingmoney collected with appropriate school officials. Such discussion and persuasion, however, may not interfere with TCS duties. All staff are expected to attend staff meetings unless prior arrangements have been made with the building principal. Staff and students should take all reasonable precautions to provide for the security of any items/materials/products being sold. Experience may be paid or unpaid. Staff members are representatives of TCS and are expected to actaccordingly. Sexist, racist remarks or derogations of any group or individual are prohibited. The building principal and the Chief Operating Officermust approve all absences. Shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law. The education profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service. Non-custodial parents will not be granted visitation or telephone access to their student during the school day. Immediate, complete and effective hand washing with soap and running water of at least 30 seconds duration should follow any first aid or health care given a student or contact with potentially infectious materials. The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) sets the federal standards for information that can and cannot be shared concerning students and their families. Application If a first aid situation occurs, student should report to a person in authority, staff should report to a supervisor. For assistance, contact: Once a complaint is received, the investigator shall initiate an investigation within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of the complaint. The notice shall include the anticipated starting and ending dates of the requested leave and an explanation of the need for the leave. These individuals shall receive training as to how to promptly and equitably resolve student and employee complaints. Respondent is an individual who is reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment. A student whose behavior is found to be in violation of Board policy may be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion. Any solicitation should be reported at once to the building principal. Atticus Hensley, Band Director, East and West Middle School. Bank name is where Direct Deposit is sent: Any deduction that has ER is employer paid deductions, only listed on stub to show what TCS pays for employees. Staff member complaints regarding a violation, misinterpretation or inappropriate application of TCSpersonnel policies and/or administrative regulations should be directed to the building principal/immediate supervisor for formal discussion and resolution. No staff member may use TCS facilities, equipment or supplies in connection with his/her campaigning, nor may he/she use any time during the working day for campaign purposes. Keys are not to be left unattended. Or sign in using: workplace, TCS shall: Required Alcohol and Drug Tests for Safety Sensitive Employees. The Hybrid Plan provides required participation for all full time employees hired on or after January 1, 2017. Such programs are licensed for private home use only and cannot be used in public schools. Load the contents of one disk into multiple computers at the same time in the absence of a license permitting the user to do so. The employee shall obtain a form indicating the days served and the court pay to be received from the court's clerk for submitting to the payroll office. TCS has established appropriate hygienic and sanitation practices as follows: ** Disinfectants which can be used include Lysol, Purex, Clorox, Tough Act bathroom cleaner, Dowbathroom cleaner, Real Pine liquid cleaner, Pine Sol, Spic and Span, Tackle liquid, Comet and Requests for reimbursement for approved purchases may be authorized only upon submission of appropriate receipts to the business manager. Employees of Tullahoma City Schools shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of their professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law. Privacy rights of students or other individuals involved in such research projects must be maintained. Coffee County Probation931-723-3939. Unless otherwise allowed as "fair use" under federal law, permission must be acquired from the copyright owner prior to reproduction of material in any form. Record programs off-air without written permission from the author/producer/distributor when a special notice is provided specifically prohibiting reproduction of any kind. The complainant will be provided with necessary formal complaint procedure guidelines in accordance with Board policy. Free consultations are provided for stress management, coping with illness, alcohol and drug counseling, family problems, anger management, debt management, marital problems, or other life problems. Announcement, 403(b), Marketplace Letter, etc. She will be the first woman to lead the city school system in its history. Desks, lab, shop equipment cleaned, blackboards erased, personal property removed and all TCS equipment and textbooks/instructional materials properly stored. Make a copy of a program as an essential step in using the computer program as long as it is used in conjunction with the machine and in no other manner. information is made available, but no later than two working days after TCS has received the necessary information. Students are not permitted in the staff room. TCS facilities, equipment or materials may not be used in performing outside work. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator shall promptly: If the Title IX Coordinator dismisses a complaint, written notice, including the reasons for dismissal, shall be provided to both parties simultaneously. Lisa Burden, Assistant Director of Bands, Tullahoma High School. Staff may check out certain TCS-owned equipment, including computers. By offering a dynamic, personalized education experience, we assist students in becoming life-long learners and being college and career ready. (931) 454-2600 Company Tullahoma City Schools Jerry Green Current Workplace Jerry Green has been working as a Teacher at Tullahoma City Schools for 6 years. According to the federal lawsuit filed on July 19, the unnamed student, who is set to begin his senior year at Tullahoma High School, accuses the Tullahoma City School district, now-former Principal Jason Quick and Vice Principal Derrick Crutchfield of violating his First Amendment right to free speech after he was suspended for three days for posting the memes on Instagram. These measures may include, but are not limited to, the following: The measures offered to the complainant and the respondent shall remain confidential to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the school district to provide the supportive measures. Documentary, magazine-format and public affairs broadcasts, however, are not included in the definition of daily newscasts of major events of the day. All staff are expected to be neat, clean in appearance and to wear appropriate dress for work that is in good taste and suitable for the job at hand. Within the parameters of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Title IX 1 Coordinator shall keep the complainant and the respondent informed of the status of the investigation process. Education level. Three days will be allowed for the finding or recovery of keys before any charges are assessed. A list of any equipment/materials not checked in and replacement costs. Daily class record books completed including: Teacher name, date and subject/class clearly marked; First and second quarter grades and final quarter test grades for first semester clearly marked; Third and fourth quarter grade and final quarter test grades for second semester clearly marked; First and second semester grades and final semester test grades clearly marked; Students not receiving a final grade and enrolled in class at any time are clearly marked as a drop orwithdrawal as appropriate. In such instances, teachers may provide information and opportunity for students to study the forms of various religions. Tullahoma City Schools Student Information Portal. Additionally, the following radio/TV stations regularly report delayed openings and school closures: All staff will be provided with a copy of the buildings emergency procedures plan detailing staff responsibilities in the event of such emergencies as disorderly behavior, unlawful assembly, disturbances at school activities, natural disasters, fire, illness or injury of a student or staff member and the authorized use of force on school property. All disclosures shall be consistent with the school districts legal obligations and the necessity to investigate allegations of harassment and take disciplinary action. The materials and proposed method of distribution will be reviewed and a decision made based on the educational concerns and interests of TCS. Under no circumstances may staff members arrangecoverage through personal arrangements with substitutes or others either for all day or for temporaryabsences from their duties. Employees and students in the school district will not be permitted to use these products while they are participants in any class or activity in which they represent the school district. Personal items of value should not be left in the staff room. Employee records are public records, except for matters deemed confidential by law, and shall be open for inspection during regular business hours. No purchase including purchases from student body funds will be authorized unless covered by an approved purchase order. A list of any furniture, equipment/textbooks/instructional materials not accounted for and replacement costs. Provide written notice of the allegations, and the grievance process to all known parties to give the respondent time to prepare a response before an initial interview; Inform the parties of the prohibition against making false statement or knowingly submitting false information; Inform the parties that they may have an advisor present during any subsequent meetings; and. Confidentiality of e-mail communication cannot be assured. It shall be the employee's responsibility to abide by and perform the following requirements: An employee shall not operate a machine unless guard or method of guarding is in good condition, working order, in place and operative; An employee shall stop the machine or moving parts and properly tag-out or lock-out the starting control before oiling, adjusting or repairing, except when such machine is provided with means of oiling or adjusting that will prevent possibility of hazardous contact with moving parts; An employee shall not remove guards or render methods of guarding inoperative except for the purpose of adjustment, oiling, repair or setting up a new job; Employees shall report to their supervisor any guard or method of guarding that is not properly adjusted or not accomplishing its intended function; Employees shall not use their hands or any portion of their bodies to reach between moving parts or to remove jams, hang-ups, etc. Every effort should be made to use volunteer resources in a manner that will ensure maximum contribution to the welfare and educational growth of students. Planning time is for the purpose of developing the instructional program. ClassLink - Tullahoma High School ClassLink ClassLink is a software solution that helps students with usernames and passwords. Tullahoma City Schools adopted the Hybrid Plan for employees hired on or after July 1, 2014. Fair Use. No organization may solicit funds from staff members within the schools, nor may anyone distribute flyers or other materials related to fund drives through the school without building principal approval. TCS, upon determining that a staff member has engaged in the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use, on or in the workplace, of a controlled substance or alcohol or upon having reasonable suspicion of a staff member's use of a controlled substance or alcohol in the workplace, shall, pending any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace, take action with regard to the employee determined to be appropriate. Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning. Band Camp Week Two- Various Times- Check Camp Packet July 24 . Any staff member who knows or has reasonable belief that any child under 18 years of age has suffered abuse or neglect, or that any adult with whom he/she is in contact has abused a child, shall immediately orally report or cause an oral report to be made to the judge having juvenile jurisdiction or to the county office of the Department of Childrens Services or to the office of the chief law-enforcement official where the child resides. Tullahoma City Schools is part of the Education industry, and located in Tennessee, United States. That employees are not to work before, beyond or outside their normal working hours or are not to work overtime without prior authorization; That employee time sheets be a true reflection of all time worked, whether it is more or less than normally scheduled hours; That a written corrective statement be given to employees not complying with established procedures. All employees shall respect the confidentiality deserved by all other colleagues as well. TCS Child Abuse Coordinator: Dr. Shannon Duncan. References should include the author, title, date and any other pertinent information and copyright notice. Teachers and staff are responsible for maintaining an inventory of all items in their room or area of responsibility. Emergency Medical Services Administrative Office 931-723-5137 (For Administrative Calls ONLY) Ground Water Protection931-723-5039. If the complaint is not informally resolved, staff should advise the complainant that he/she may submit the matter directly to the building principal or immediate supervisor, as appropriate. Make a new copy from the archival program in the event that the program in use is damaged or destroyed. Leave from the bank may be requested in increments of five to twenty days and will be accompanied by a doctors statement of disability. Make a single copy of the following for use in teaching or in preparation to teach a class: An article from a periodical or newspaper, A short story, short essay or short poem, whether or not from a collective work, A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical or. A teacher, upon employment, may transfer his/her accumulated sick leave from another Tennessee school system unless the teacher was terminated for cause or breaks a contract without justifiable reason, provided that the superintendent of the system in which the accumulated leave was held provides notarized verification. Shall not misrepresent his or her professional qualifications. Staff members are expected to schedule treatment, including intermittent leave and reduced hours, so as not to unduly disrupt the operation of TCS. Take appropriate action with regard to the employee which may include discipline up to and including dismissal and/or; Require satisfactory participation by the employee in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purpose by a federal, state or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency. The educator strives to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society. Minimum experience. Load the contents of one disk into local network or disk-sharing systems in the absence of a license permitting the user to do so. TCS overall cost of a job share may not exceed that of one full-time equivalency. The 1,250 hours must be hours actually worked. Employees shall be granted an opportunity to respond in writing to material placed in records. Good housekeeping methods shall be observed in all operations. The Board [shall] [shall not] reimburse the applicant if the applicant accepts a position as a teacher. When expressing opinions, staff members are expected to make clear that the viewpoints they represent are personal and are not to be interpreted as TCS official viewpoint. Tullahoma City Schools participates in the State of Tennessee Hybrid Retirement Plan. City School Systems. Dr. April Norris, Deputy Director of Schools shall act as the decision-maker. If the investigation is not complete within twenty (20) calendar days, the investigator shall provide the Title IX Coordinator with appropriate documentation detailing the reasons why the investigation has not been completed. In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator: The Board recognizes the importance of continued educational experiences and other professional growth activities as a means to improve job performance. Staff are expected to assist in the supervision of students and in general crowd control as neededwhile attending such events. Load a software program from a single disk into a distribution network or to individual standalone computers for simultaneous use when the distribution network is accessible to the owneruser if not otherwise prohibited by terms of a sales agreement. "Pay" programs received via satellite dish are also subject to these prohibitions. Because all computer hardware and software belong to the Board, all data including e-mail communications stored or transmitted on school system computers shall be monitored. Teaching as a profession demands setting a good example for students in every possible way. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled each fall and spring. The teacher shall be entitled to the usual compensation, less the amount paid by the court. Digital Learning Content (opens in new window/tab) Email (opens in new window/tab) Get Yourself Moving; . A school district employee conditioning an aid, benefit, or service of an education program or activity on an individuals participation in unwelcome sexual conduct; Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the education program or activity; or. All uses of tobacco, electronic/battery operated devices, vapor products, and all other associated paraphernalia are prohibited in all of the school district's buildings and in all vehicles that are owned, leased, or operated by the district. Please contact Human Resources prior to visiting a physician for a workmen's compensation claim. Education 510 South Jackson Street Tullahoma TN 37388 (931) 454-2600 (931) 454-2642 Send Email Jobs High School Principal Category: Education Copies of records may be made under rules determined by the superintendent. In accordance with federal law, staff members employed by TCS for the previous 12 months and who have worked at least 1,250 hours during the year preceding the start of the leave may be eligible for FMLA leave. TCS encourages the constructive participation of groups and individuals in the school to perform appropriate tasks during and after school hours under the direction and supervision of staff. Occasionally, teachers or parents may arrange for conferences outside regularly scheduled conference dates, to meet more immediate student needs. If the employee uses accrued paid leave, premiums will continue to be deducted from the payroll. Staff members shall promote a learning environment that encourages fulfillment of each student's potential in regard to his/her program, consistent with TCS goals and with optimal opportunities for students. An inventory list is turned in to the office at the completion of each school year. Sick leave for maternity purposes may be taken during the period of physical disability only. No loose object shall be placed in any area where its presence will necessitate employees crowding between such objects as moving machinery, steam pipes or other objects with which contact would be dangerous. Sexual harassment is conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following: Behaviors that constitute sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to: Sexual harassment may be directed against a particular person or persons, or a group, whether of theopposite sex or the same sex. Such action may include suspension, dismissal and/or referral for prosecution. A substantiated charge against a student may result in corrective or disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Under federal law, a second medical opinion at TCS expense may be required whenever TCS has reason to doubt the validity of the initial medical opinion.
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