OVC received many comments on the proposed definition of child abuse. OVC agrees that victims often have an interest in participating as a victim in various fora, and has modified the provisions of section 94.119(e) of the final rule accordingly, to allow the facilitation of such participation. The Sub-Recipient Program Requirements heading sets out the eligibility and organizational requirements for sub-recipients. Some commenters noted that victims of a priority category might also be underserved victims in some circumstances (e.g., child victims of sex trafficking might be underserved in a particular jurisdiction, however, sex trafficking of a minor would also be child sexual abuse), and that this causes confusion in reporting allocation amounts to OVC. Some commenters suggested eliminating match all together, while others suggested various different levels for match. The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) of 1984 was passed by Congress to assist states in providing high quality services that are directly related to the emotional healing and recovery of crime victims. In-house training should be based on the Tennessee Criminal Injury Compensation Program website athttp://treasury.tn.gov/injury/index.htmland/or current pamphlets /information received from the Tennessee Criminal Injury Compensation Program. OVC also adds greater flexibility for States to support transitional housing and relocation expenses using VOCA funds. The activities listed below are out of the program scope, and they cant be supported by this programs funding. ppt/slides/_rels/slide13.xml.relsJ1F7 EFn>5 $ooZQ:P];X%[L/hJn^ cjJ]T{Af!>$>hA in)Y#H|r3]48,(#lN#3?lioP]R~|vAsCe+orhQ)|ijO PK ! OVC requires States to submit these certifications annually in their applications for funding. Any deviation from this provision requires prior approval by the state grantee; Maintain confidentiality of client-counselor information, as required by state and federal law; Comply with the applicable provisions of VOCA, the Program Guidelines, and the requirements of the M7100.1D which includes maintaining appropriate programmatic and financial records that fully disclose the amount and disposition of VOCA funds received; Maintain statutorily required civil rights statistics on victims served by race or national origin, sex, age, and disability; and permit reasonable access to its books, documents, papers, and records to determine whether the recipient is complying with applicable civil rights laws; Ensure Confidentiality of Research Information under 1407(d) of VOCA codified at 42 U.S.C. Prohibited supplantation of funding for administrative costs. 10604(e) shall be implemented in accordance with 28 CFR part 42. Costs associated with Boards including insurance and fees. As Google's translation is an automated service it may display interpretations that are an approximation of the website's original content. (c) Information sharing. Automated systems and technology. This subpart implements the provisions of VOCA, at 34 U.S.C. This report will change based on the dashboard filter selected. (a) Confidentiality. Settings, Start voice Expressly unallowable sub-recipient costs. Given the policy in the recently issued government-wide requirements, OVC has removed the provision that prohibited sub-recipients from using VOCA funds for certain organizational costs. Many commenters supported the proposed definition. edition of the Federal Register. OVC notes that the final rule provides States with additional flexibility, but does not mandate that States reallocate any funding. This rule will not result in the expenditure by State, local and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100,000,000 or more in any one year, and it will not significantly or uniquely affect small governments. OVC agrees that sustainability is an important consideration, and has added this to paragraph (d). The Fund receives Federal criminal fines, penalties, and assessments, as well as certain gifts and bequests, but does not receive any general tax revenue. Nothing in VOCA, or this final rule, allows VOCA funding to be diverted to prison purposes; rather, VOCA funding is expressly limited by statute to victim services and associated activities. (b) Performance report. Osnium PD (Police Department Victim Advocates) helps simplify the complex data collection and reporting requirements essential to Crime Victim Liaisons.Everything from the user-friendly layout to the data fields and modules has been developed specifically to meet the needs of Crime Victim Liaisons at law enforcement offices with VOCA Reporting requirements. VOCA sets out the statutory requirements governing these grants, and this subpart should be read in conjunction with it. This certification shall be submitted by the chief executive of the State (or a designee) annually in such form and manner as OVC specifies from time to time. on NARA's archives.gov. More information and documentation can be found in our Sub-recipient means an entity that is eligible to receive grant funds under this program from a State under this subpart. for better understanding how a document is structured but 103-322, Title XXIII, Subtitle B.) Other commenters asked that OVC clarify that criminal defense services may be appropriate where it is directly related to intimate partner violence. establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned Provide services to victims of federal crimes. In order to assist readers, a derivation table is included listing the sections of the final rule and the corresponding section or sections of the proposed rule. provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov will remain an unofficial should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official (1) Promptly notify OVC of any formal allegation or finding of fraud, waste, abuse, or similar misconduct involving VOCA funds; (2) Promptly refer any credible evidence of such misconduct to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General; and, (3) Apprise OVC, in timely fashion, of the status of any on-going investigations. (1) SAAs have sole discretion to determine which organizations will receive funds, and in what amounts, subject to the requirements of VOCA, this subpart, and the provisions in the DOJ Grants Financial Guide relating to conflicts of interest. A commenter pointed out that OJP has a definition of supplanting in its Financial Guide that differs from that in the proposed rule, and suggested that OVC simply adopt the DOJ Grants Financial Guide definition of the term instead of setting forth a separate definition. Demonstrated inability to make the 20% match; partial match of 10% required or. The "Victims of Crime Act of 1984" (P.L. VOCA Program Overview Reporting Webinar Technical Assistance Victims of Crime Act Grant Program Grant Status Closed In 1984, the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) established the Crime Victims Fund in the U.S. Treasury and authorized the Fund to receive deposits of fines and penalties levied against criminals convicted of federal crimes. OVC agrees and has added a sentence accordingly. 1503 & 1507. This report should be filtered to NEW CLIENTS as defined by VOCA reporting requirements. (a) Monitoring plan. (4) Direct service programs run by the SAA. The definition of crime victim and victim of crime remains unchanged from the Guidelines, and is meant to be a broad definition, taking into account many kinds of harm resulting from criminal acts. A commenter from a SAA explained that it uses a conduit funding process in which it distributes funds to local victim witness units based on a formula, and these units then sub-award Start Printed Page 44520the funding to local non-profit victim service organizations in accordance with State and county procurement rules. Community served coordinated public and private efforts to aid crime victims may include, but are not limited to, serving on federal, State, local, or tribal work groups to oversee and recommend improvements to community responses to crime victims, and developing written agreements and protocols for such responses. Match waivers will be approved as follows: Agencies must submit a Waiver of Match Request Letter indicating full or partial waiver request on agency letter head addressed to the OCJP Director and signed by the agencys authorized official, the application excel form and all required attachments. (d) Documentation. Webinar slides process | Webinar Q&A | Subgrantee PMT Training Guide, Subgrantee Basic Budget (non-profit agencies only)Volunteer Waiver Form, VOCA Match Waiver PolicyDocumentation Required for CJI GrantsTravel Policy + In-state Lodging Rates, Webinar on the 2022 VOCA Request for Proposal. The (SAR) must be submitted within 90 days after the subawards start date. However, if you have any suggestions regarding ETO enhancements, please send this information to Nick Hartman at nihartman@pa.gov. OVC has carefully considered these comments and, in the final rule, has opted to move most of the examples into the preamble of the rule. The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) State Victim Resource Division (SVRD) is excited to share with you the release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification (VCC) form and instructions to prepare for the FY 23 VOCA Formula Awards. The content of State of Missouri websites originate in English. This will show you the number of victims that you served within the reporting period selected (filters). (e) Use of project match. Some commenters favored allowing the purchase of vehicles with VOCA funds, but others opposed it. Executive Order 13563 recognizes that some benefits and costs are difficult to quantify and provides that, where appropriate and permitted by law, agencies may consider and discuss qualitative values that are difficult or impossible to quantify, including equity, human dignity, fairness, and distributive impacts. This rule, to the extent that it creates certain set asides and permissible areas of emphasis for State victim assistance programs, only applies to federally provided funding. Due to the potential administrative burden of requiring competition (particularly in jurisdictions with a limited number of SAA staff), OVC has not included such a requirement, though OVC does encourage SAAs to use a competitive process where feasible. In addition, SAAs shall conduct on-site monitoring of all sub-recipients at least once every two years during the award period, unless a different frequency based on risk assessment is set out in the monitoring plan. OVC will communicate the technical details of each year's reporting requirements to grantees via annual program solicitations and supplemental guidance. On July 22, 2021, the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 was signed into law. This will benefit victims in these communities, many of whom are underserved. For further clarification contact your OCJP Program Manager. An eligible crime victim assistance program must comply with the following requirements: Q1 (Jul-Sep), Q2 (Oct-Dec), Q3 (Jan-Mar), Q4 (Apr-Jun), Utah Office for Victims of Crime (UOVC) Overall, this section makes the program rules match the statutory provisions, which had changed after issuance of the Guidelines. All projects must conclude, and all funding obligations must be made no later than September 30, 2024. H}Gv:ooZQ:P.]lzH.+aGfXu":Crg, The rule does not specify time or manner in which these reports are to be submitted. Facilitation of participation in criminal justice and other proceedings. The final rule, similarly, encourages, rather than mandates, that crisis counseling or other services be offered in conjunction with the examination, in order to allow sub-recipients to provide such services as may be appropriate in any given situation. Sufficient nonfederal fund sources supporting the same project and not currently used to match other sources. 10604(h), which, as of July 8, 2016, requires an SAA to certify here that VOCA funds will not be used to supplant State funds, but will be used to increase the amount of such funds that would, in the absence of VOCA Start Printed Page 44531funds, be made available for administrative purposes. To create this report, follow the steps below: On your VOCA dashboard, create a new visualization. If release of information described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section is compelled by statutory or court mandate, SAAs or sub-recipients of VOCA funds shall make reasonable attempts to provide notice to victims affected by the disclosure of the information, and take reasonable steps necessary to protect the privacy and safety of the persons affected by the release of the information. OVC retains the term in the final rule because it is a statutory term, but clarifies that OVC understands it to encompass domestic and intimate partner violence. (b) Training academies for victim assistance. Any match waiver requests for those subawards should be considered under OCJPs standard match waiver process. OVC published the Final Program Guidelines, Victims of Crime Act, FY1997 Victim Assistance Program on April 22, 1997 (62 FR 19607). In any event, the real benefits of additional allowable services for currently underserved and unserved victims are significant. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document Section 94.121 of the final rule sets out allowable sub-recipient administrative costs. (a) Cost of services. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML OVC, therefore, declines to make the change, but does note that States may still fund services for victims of such crimes, but cannot count those services toward meeting the required allocation for the underserved victim category. 10603(b)(1), and this subpart. The VOCA Victim Assistance Program is a formula grant program that provides funds to States to provide financial support to eligible crime victim assistance programs. OVC agrees and has made this clarification in section 94.113(d) of the final rule. publication in the future. There are special considerations for certain types of entities, as described below: (1) Faith-based and neighborhood programs. 1$d x ! OVC also simplified the provision to state that program income must be used consistently with Federal grant rules and the DOJ Grants Financial Guide (available on the Office of Justice Programs' Web site, at www.ojp.gov), instead of reiterating those requirements here. A commenter suggested that OVC add language setting out factors that States should consider when setting limits on transitional housing expenses. Subrecipient Organization Eligibility Requirements. some of the complexities associated with their Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant. 10603, which, as of July 8, 2016, authorize the Director to make an annual grant to the chief executive of each State for the financial support of Start Printed Page 44529eligible crime victim assistance programs. small, specialized service provider; larger, comprehensive service provider). Guidelines and the VOCA: Victims of Crime Act 2019-2020 Competitive Grant Funding Announcement. This section sets forth the rules for VOCA-funded projects that will charge for victim services. The suspension of match will extend for an additional year after the pandemic is no longer declared a national emergency under the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. A commenter asked that OVC modify the proposed requirement that match be used for the same uses and timing as the project's VOCA funding. Effective October 1, 2021, all VOCA contracts will suspend all requirements to meet match. The commenter also asked that OVC clarify that all services provided by VOCA-funded projects are voluntary and should not be contingent upon the client participating in certain support services. Transitional housing. Direct services for which VOCA funds may be used include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Immediate emotional, psychological, and physical health and safetyServices that respond to immediate needs (other than medical care, except as allowed under paragraph (a)(9) of this section) of crime victims, including, but not limited to: (2) Accompanying victims to hospitals for medical examinations; (5) Emergency food, shelter, clothing, and transportation; (6) Short-term (up to 45 days) in-home care and supervision services for children and adults who remain in their own homes when the offender/caregiver is removed; (7) Short-term (up to 45 days) nursing-home, adult foster care, or group-home placement for adults for whom no other safe, short-term residence is available; (8) Window, door, or lock replacement or repair, and other repairs necessary to ensure a victim's safety; (9) Costs of the following, on an emergency basis (i.e., when the State's compensation program, the victim's (or in the case of a minor child, the victim's parent's or guardian's) health insurance plan, Medicaid, or other health care funding source, is not reasonably expected to be available quickly enough to meet the emergency needs of a victim (typically within 48 hours of the crime): Non-prescription and prescription medicine, prophylactic or other treatment to prevent HIV/AIDS infection or other infectious disease, durable medical equipment (such as wheel-chairs, crutches, hearing aids, eyeglasses), and other healthcare items are allowed; and.
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