Very interesting take on the story of Jezebel, glad I read it. One hardly needs your commentary to the events its as if you believe thinking people not able to read between the lines. But you have to understand that everybody cant share your faith. Further condemnation for Jezebel is found in Proverbs 6:16-19: These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.. Youre either too naive to see such an obvious corruption and hunger for political power and control in her, or are just too caught up and intoxicated by your corrupted modern feminist ideology that Jezebel also clearly imbibed; or its a gross mixture of both because theres no way any truly moral person (as youre trying to so strongly portray yourself to be with your Biblically illiterate arguments and statements) would act like Jezabel was a victim or that she was misunderstood. And when you realize that Elijah was just as bad as she was, it is hard to condemn her and root for him. not a forum to discuss womens issues. Queen Jezebel is the worst enemy against God people,I have ever read about she was facecally first but now she spiritually because her legacy is now living in people dess days. As Jehus chariot races toward the palace to kill Jezebel, she painted her eyes with kohl and dressed her hair, and she looked out of the window (2 Kings 9:30). Whatever fear she may have of Jehu is camouflaged by her war paint. The majority of comments on this article are vastly disappointing and rather sickening. Sure, in another circumstance, Jezebel has the right to her foreign and considered evil beliefs, customs and religious adherences, all considered heresies by the Hebrew traditions, but she is not at liberty to do so as a subject of the King of Israel, not as the Queen of the people of Israel, not as a role model and ruler fit to enforce, inherit, pass on and invoke the rule of law, namely their Gods law as they believe it, as her King and country demands it the Covenant of Moses Law contracted on Mt. If you ask him into your life, you to can be saved. The truth is I could go on about the holes in this article but I must ask this: Why does the author suggest (albeit indirectly) that the Israelites are murdering criminals for having and being faithful to their own culture and religion? Instead of the lushness of the moist seacoast, she would find Israel to be an arid, desert nation. Thats your opinion, not a fact. I think the author of this article is prejudiced in that her agenda is clear: revive Jezebel in the best possible light. But yeah, she is the villain here since shea foreigner and devoted to the wrong religion. But although the marriage is sound foreign policy, it is intolerable to the Deuteronomist because of Jezebels idol worship. She recently published Music in the Old Bones: Jezebel Through the Ages (Southern Illinois Univ. Right? Most of the prophets of Yahweh were killed at her command. A second option, which is also a valid approach, is to publish anything that is at least half-scholarly and let the public decide. God says He is looking for a people who will say to all, Babylon is fallen. You have to realize that no faith is right for everybody. The many writers of the various bibles had an agenda when they told their tales. Well, women were mostly second class citizens everywhere until the 20th century. I am a little perturbed bias this commentary is written. You also need to look at the long term plan of God for rescuing his people from sin. So it was about time that someone pointed out, that he wasnt a lily-white hero and she wasnt a jet-black villain. For an excellent, detailed discussion of Biblical imagery concerning women seated at windows, see Nehama Aschkenasy, Woman at the Window (Detroit: Wayne State Univ. According to VeryWellFamily, the name Elijah has the following origin, gender use, and pronunciations: This religion and the related one that Israel adopted where they burnt their children were abominations to God the true one. Why Does God Allow the Strong to Oppress the Weak? God often accused His people of harlotry of turning their backs on Him and worshiping other gods. -Jezebel and Hillary Clinton The authors perspective is too much in defense of Jezebel trying to exonerate a woman, who in the end result, was destructive to a people and culture based on the one true and living God, not just a man made fictional character called a god. Instead, she felt a duty to honor her Phoenician gods and worship then. 7. Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. He erected an altar to Baal in the temple of Baal which he built in Samaria. The word of God is not something you can pick up and interpret anyway you want. Jezebel, the wicked queen, and wife to the evil King Ahab had a reputation for murder, iniquity, and sexual promiscuity. Having clicked to this article under the naive impression that there was archeological news on Jezebel, I am disappointed to find only speculation colored by todays moral relativity, and a not-so-subtle promotion of militaristic feminism. But except for the pharaohs of Exodus and Haman of Esther, few of them are as hated in Judeo-Christian tradition as Jezebel is. For example why would the Deuteronomist belittle the prophet of God Elijah by portraying him as a fearful, cowardly man that flees for his life when threaten by Jezebel? jezebel is your new role model? Vast percentage of women in the present generation have taken the path of Jezebel by the way of facial make-up, deception and seduction. Martin Luther could be an example as he although initially he stood up against the Catholic Jezebel spirit, he did subsequently become an anti-semite, writing that people ought to burn the houses of Jewish people, putting himself in the position of being according to the Bible cursed by God (whose promise was to bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse them such promise never having been rescinded). Furthermore, we must reread the narrative from the queens vantage point. By this article, I can only presume that the only character flaw you see in Lady Macbeth is a guilty conscience. Dear JJ Jezebel grew up in a culture, where there was nothing wrong with a queen doing what she did. Interesting article and insights, although it is an undisputed fact that Elijah was a TRUE prophet of the God of Israel who has proven himself to be the one & only TRUE God, so while this is an interesting article, it reeks a little more like sympathy for the devil. Because (1) Jehu managed to beat Jezebel in a war and was king for 28 years, so he could make sure that all the propaganda made him look good for millennia, and (2) the Books of Kings were written by someone, who believed that Jezebels faith was objectively wrong, and Elijahs and Jehus faith was objectively right. I shake my head sadly at the general ignorance displayed in many of these comments, especially the ones written by men That said, I found this to be an adjustment interesting article about a fascinating and powerful woman. This is a scholarly article ? While her verbal acuity shows that she is more daring, clever and independent than most women of her time, her withering words also demonstrate her sinfulness. God is divine and no one should question God. The actions that Jezabels mind produced clearly communicate what type of person she was and why she is the archetype of an evil and immoral woman. Whether she was a believer in the God of Israel or not. Remember: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 10The dogs shall eat Jezebel on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her.. In the Ugaritic Baal ritual, the queen represented Anat, who had to revive her husband Baal. Jezebel is a bold and impious interloper who has to be stopped. Do not emulate or admire her. Ryan Gosling's Family Reacts to 'Barbie' in Canada Hometown - Jezebel The comments of the readers are far better than the authors. The conclusion one might erroneously draw from this line of thinking is that it is only not admirable to murder people that annoy us not really criminal. Rehabilitating Jezebels stained reputation is an arduous task, however, for she is a difficult woman to like. Some will even refer to the Buble as just a book of fairytales. The prophet Elijah is venerated by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. To ensure their compliance, she signs Ahabs name and stamps the letters with the kings seal. She is a propagandist of the worst kind pretending that she is not one. If Jezebels wickedness isnt attested by lack of loyalty, then what could? But that is also why an article in Jezebels favor is a welcome change, even if there might be a bias there too. God was patient and was delighted when Ahab finally humbled himself after going along with Jezebels murder of an innocent farmer. -Ahab and Bill Clinton The Jezebel Stereotype - Anti-black Imagery - Jim Crow Museum But I have opened my eyes to her story during the last year or so. But that is still what I think should have been done at that point, no matter how unrealistic it may sound. This text was written by a literature specialist, not by an archaeologist. The first commandments from Sinai demand monotheism, but the people are attracted to foreign gods and goddesses. So to so obtusely deny all of that, to repudiate its significance, to completely dismiss it and worse, to argue justification for Jezebels treason is beyond the pale and inexcusably ignorant. peace! Was it Yahwes penalty though? historian Josephus, who drew on a Greek translation of the now-lost Annals of Tyre, Ethbaal served as a priest of Astarte, the primary Phoenician goddess. just another antisemitic to the core article intended to wash out the land under Judaism. I found some interesting and beneficial observations in the article as well as points of disagreement. She imparted suffering. One should remember that God is ALMIGHTY.He is just and He judges according to the laws he has established.All his ways are good, and throughout the Bible he has always kept his promises.In the Garden of Eden, Satan put in the mind of man that God is a tyran and that we are his toys.But we should remember that God created man first of all to be above His angels.He could have decided otherwise, since we are His CREATION.Jezebel could have repented from her sins but she did not, and her decisions determined her judgement.I denote in this article the insinuation made by Satan that God is unjust, that He should have allowed Adam and Eve to eat from the prohibited tree, or that Gods judgement of Jezebel is unfair.Jezebels attitude facing her death picture rebellion. They do not. Taking something clearly marked for a purpose and twisting it for some other sinister purpose. Movie Info One cannot spend a whole lifetime loving and chasing "Jezebels" and expect to escape unscathed. And both sides were just as cruel when they got a chance to be cruel. Like I said in an earlier comment, I believe that she could have had two reasons for doing what she did: Either she actually believed that her gods wanted her to do it, or some of Jahves prophets had attacked Baals prophets. The author does not believe the Bible is God breathed. When he begged Moses for the plagues to stop God stopped them right? But I guess that I have to repeat the key points. I agree with you. But here is the thing: we dont all have the same faith. I dont mind educated opinions to help connect the facts, but this one is bending to derail the facts altogether that the opinion is pushing the story south already, into the realm of lobbying. And they got upset and plotted to kill you to get it and succeeded, shall we excuse them because they served demons their whole life? In Chapter 16 of 1 Kings, Jezebel. Perhaps she was easily swayed by the God of Naomi. Jezebel (website) - Wikipedia This is why she is vilified by the Deuteronomist, whose goal is to stamp out polytheism. Ummmm no. But she was also consumed by dogs that left only her hands and feet. This very act was enough to prove her evil. The cult of Baal involved some pretty gross things including orgies. When a person feels they can be logical about the Bible and go as far as painting the message in the Bible to suit a clearly opposite narrative, at that point, such a person is functioning in a full capacity as Satan The adversary of God and anything godly! Thats he/she could identify with the willful Jezebel. For a discussion of Phoenician customs, see George Rawlinson, History of Phoenicia (London: Longmans, 1889). If they would like to see him as he is they can ask him to show them and he will! He created her, she caused havoc, so her and her followers destruction was/is just. It seems you feel that everyone has to hold your views and opinions and you cant let them express their opinions and views without bringing some accusation of close-mindedness or other accusation to them. Pagans and baby killers! So even though Im not saying that the prosecution of Jahves prophets and the execution of Nabot didnt happen, it is very much possible that centuries of mudslinging painted her as a worse person than what she really was. This was understood and did not need even be mentioned in biblical times, for it was common knowledge. she made a vow to kill Elijah and It may seem like Jehu did her in under the hand of God, but the truth is in vowing to kill Elijah, a true prophet of the true God, she sealed her own fateShe was living in the nation rich with history of a living true God that PROVED himself, by parting seas and making walls of Jericho fall miracuously, He delivered an enslaved people from Egypt with signs and wonders that the entire world in their time heard about even without internet and television, or radio, and He delivered them commandments to serve ONLY him yet she brought her beliefs her god and her prophets there to live and flaunt them against Yahweh & his people and the truth of their history. Of course the underprivileged often have no other choice, but how do well-to-do parents sleep at night when they prefer to work countless hours (to buy a fancier house, car, clothes, toys, etc) instead of spending more time and attention on their sons and daughters? Books of Kings No background for the person of Elijah is given except for his brief characterization as a Tishbite. Besides, even my devout mother is terrified by the violence, that you will see even from the good guys in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. !all the old ways were Abolished..Jezebel can truly be seen as a child and woman of her upbringingthe Human and has always been Cruel..Jesus died for our sinshis own people crucified himJesus was a SacrificeA Child Of Our God..the only way the Truth will be revealedis when We die Ouselves..Jezebel truly loved her manand her beliefs were true to her Own Heartthe bible man shall take away the beliefs of what feels true in their heartTruethere is One true Godbut how was she to know? the bible clearly shows us that. How Bad Was Jezebel? - Biblical Archaeology Society Less than 24 hours after TMZ reported that Slater ( aka SpongeBob) had filed for divorce, Jay spoke out for the first time, implying that the sudden dissolution of their long-running marriage was . Anyone who considers her a role model fits in with the present cultureand should accept the same title as whore or whoremonger, whichever is preferred. The arena hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who are not afraid to say how they believe. But when you consider that Elijah had five hundred men killed in one single day, just because they worshipped the wrong god, it is hard for me to see him as the flawless hero, who had the moral advantage over Jezebel. And no matter what you feel about it, I have to say that Janet Howe Gaines makes a good case for that Jezebel, while not being an innocent angel, could be a greatly misunderstood figure. The Septuagint, a third- to second-century B.C.E. It is not Frodo Baggins on his way to Mordor. Excellent blog and fantastic style and design. Shes contrasting the values of the editors of the Hebrew Bible with that of a modern person. I bless you to grow in wisdom in understanding the relationship humans have with the spiritual realm. King Ahab should have told them to make a truce and let both religions exist, but he was too weak to do the right thing. The Bible is superior to all other religions. The double uraeus (cobra) at the bottom is a typical symbol of queens with prominent roles in religion and politics from the 18th Egyptian dynasty onward. Unfortunately, it seems like the Bible is our only source about her. Im not saying that will happen to Hillary, but if it does, you heard it here first. But if you try to see the events from her perspective, she will soon come across as a much more sympathetic person. Sure, we can sit here in 2018 AD and feel that she did some horrible things. When Jezebel enters the scene in the ninth century B.C.E., she provides a perfect opportunity for the Bible writer to teach a moral lesson about the evil outcomes of idolatry, for she is a foreign idol worshiper who seems to be the power behind her husband. Jesus stood and spoke against the wickedness and corruption of power-wielding individuals and institutions, as well as members of the general communities. He too gladly had his religious opponents killed, and I dont see why God would be happy about that. They invariably will either deny the behavior is bad, or they will blame someone else for it. While this may have been the case for some Black women, as mentioned before, whites felt the need to create another vision for their own house slaves. Omri left to Ahab an empire that comprised not only territory east of the Jordan River, in Gilead and probably Bashan, but also the land of Moab, whose king was tributary. Whether Ahab realized it or not, the moment he took possession of Naboths vineyard, in the sight of all Israel he was putting his signet ring to her deeds and was willing to benefit from the death of an innocent countryman. Very interesting article. She was idolatrous, a murderer, perverted and more! According to 1 Kings 18, Elijah proposed that both he and the prophets of Baal lay a single bull on an altar and then pray to their respective deities to ignite the sacrificial animal. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Standing alone before Jezebels host of visionaries, Elijah cries out: O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel! Why was Jezebel as this writer said vilified? Its interesting to note that Jesus did not interact with women according to this view and neither did God His Father. There is nothing but Truth in The Bible. It seems you left out the part about how evil the worship of Baal could be. So then, Jezebel was told that the people of Israel only had one god. Not that the secular sin of murder and theft would be OK with Baal, of course, but it is the kind of thing royal autocrats might do. synagogue at Dura-Europos in modern Syria. So no, there is no case for saying Jezebel was hard done by, none at all. Whether the grand total of 850 is a symbolic or literal number, it is impressive. Jezebel is not to be remembered as a queen or even as the wife of a king. Apostle Paul, who converted to Christianity after being a prominent Pharisee within the Jewish religion, as a result of Jesus appearing to him from Heaven, communicated and confessed that although he knew so much of the Bible as a scholar, he didnt understand it and was grossly ignorant until he became a Christian who was filled with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 1:13-17; 1 Timothy 1:12-14). there are other layers in the Bible that go beyond the obvious & it needs cultural & historical background to fully understand what took place. You are communicating like these things were taking place in the modern world where people arent as religious as they used to be back then. Why would Ahab have to teach her for her not to attempt something so foolish. 8For the whole house of Ahab shall perish; and I will cut off from Ahab all the males in Israel, both bond and free. But I say that she probably was afraid that her gods would punish her, if she didnt have them killed. And Im shocked that people in the 21rst Century can defend Elijahs condemning 450 people to death, just because they happened to have worshipped the wrong god. I will kick this ignorant Janet-whats-her-name off my perch any day every way, all day. The sad thing is that their short-comings (Ahabs weakness as a king and husband and Jezebels refusal to learn that she wasnt in Phoenicia anymore) would lead to their whole dynasty being killed off. The majority of the world at that time believed in God or the gods; they believed in the supernatural or miraculous far more than they do today; thats even why Jezebel had so many priests of Baal working for her. That should be-EXTREMELY interesting article! The Phoenicians were widely known for sending their children through the fire .Something Yahweh despised . Obedience is the requirement. Elijah - Wikipedia Both should have been condemned equally for their transgressions. Have your own story about name-calling? Nevertheless, her presence is felt and the Deuteronomists message is clear. I think the curse of Jezebel is back and has cursed us with feminism. These Indo-Europeans tore down all signs of female worship and declared inasmuch as they were light skinned and victorious, they were, are you ready for this, the chosen people. Then they sacrificed those children to Baal. He didnt have to do the evil deeds his wife might suggest. Although she may not be a whore herself, she typifies the woman of the world, not unlike our present day, that wants to beat down orthodoxy and elevate heterodoxy. To spin doctor Jezebel in a reprobate worldly way is a lie from the pit of Hell which is what these false depictions of true evil will lead your eternal soul too if you are an unrepentant sinner. R.I.P. Treat Williams, Everwood actor - The A.V. Club We fight not against flesh in blood. Regardless of the writer of Deuteronomies intent to illustrate the evils of idolatry and consequences for the same, It doesnt change Jezebels performance or legacy. Jezebel in the Bible - What We Can Learn from Her Story - Crosswalk They even gash themselves with knives and whoop it up in a heightened emotional state, hoping to incite Baal to unleash a great fire. Like Jael. Jezebel is mentioned in the Old Testament, and mentioned in the New Testament by Jesus, many centuries after the death of the woman Jezebel and He describes the characteristics of the spiritual system of Jezebel, which is the mother of the corrupt versions of feminism, idolatry and all religions and addictions that are contrary to the God of the Bible and His truth. Unlike the many voiceless Biblical wives and concubines whose muteness reminds us of the powerlessness of women in ancient Israel, Jezebel has a tongue. :Courtesy of Bible History Daily, this article discusses the life and times of Queen Jezebel. The Jezebel Spirit Stop blindly championing strong women just because they are women. Another example of a shrewd manipulator in scripture can be found in the person of Jonadab, who by pretending to be supportive of the young man Amnons interests, actually set up an innocent young virgin to be violently raped, robbed of her virginity and devasted, and also the kings son to be guilty of rape and incest and wind up dead. []. Was not this government oppression of a poor farmer considered as evil? And that would have been absolutely frightening to these men. So why do you expect her to follow your norms and values and your faith? She is not a heroic fighter like Deborah, a devoted sister like Miriam or a cherished wife like Ruth. Whichever deity responded would be deemed the more powerful and the one true God. Jezebel like so many other females could very well be fine women who remembered the power of females and stood there ground as a child of the CREATOR. As a matter of fact I will not renew my subscription when it runs out. Prayer accompanies fasting, whether the Bible explicitly says so or not, so we may assume that Ahab raises his penitential voice to a forgiving Yahweh. Eleanor Ferris Beach, The Samaria Ivories, Marzeah, and Biblical Text, Biblical Archaeologist 56:2 (1993), pp. And no matter what, the men are mostly still in charge of the family and the nation at large. By making Jezebel seem like some kind of Ancient B.C. The imagery and metaphor of the Bible affirms this. We know this fm the tophet the Romans found when they finished Carthage, a Phoenician outpost that worshiped Baal and his consort. Michal does not understand the peoples euphoria over the arrival of the Ark in Davids new capital; she can only feel anger that her husband is dancing about like one of the riffraff (2 Samuel 6:20). Even if other people told her that they had seen that Jahve had beaten Baal, she was right to be suspicious. This was an ambitious woman from a different culture, who refused to convert to Judaism and be subservient to her husband. As the daughter, wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother of kings, Jezebel would understand court politics well enough to realize that Jehu has far more to gain by killing her than by keeping her alive. Like in jezebels time, there WAS resistance, but one resisted carefully and covertly if one didnt want to be killed. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. It is a shame that such a biased account as yours, twisting the truth, is even left posted on the internet. After all, there was nothing more abominable to all the men, who wrote down the Bible, than a strong woman from a different culture, who refused to adapt to the faith and laws of Israel. Without Ahabs direct knowledge, Jezebel writes letters to her townsmen, enlisting them in an elaborate ruse to frame the innocent Naboth. No one comes to the father except through me. The Bible is not simply a book written by men long ago. The Bible clearly states that the Christian faith is superior to the world and all the contrary things to the God of the Bible that it represents: For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. He had the right to demand what he wanted when he wanted it from his subjects. Why? The author is definitely putting her 21st century spin on this woman. She not only served as a thorn in the side of the prophet Elijah, but she also led Israel astray in their foreign worship of idols ( 1 Kings 18 ). The conclusions are absolutely ridiculous. You assume the writer is already prejudice, but have you considered that the facts presented are accurate and that you are the one with clouded ideas even before you write, because of your own misconceived ideas. But that is okay, since God is supposedly on their side anyway. The word of God is Holy and true and you or anyone else will never change it. Unaware that he is about to be usurped by his military commander, Joram calls out: Is all well, Jehu? Jehu responds: How can all be well as long as your mother Jezebel carries on her countless harlotries and sorceries? (2 Kings 9:22). No college professor, no church of any level and no Saint of Any Righteousness can teach or regard themselves as the teacher.
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